Pick one topic that has been covered in class thus far from the following options: deviance or poverty. Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, e


Pick one topic that has been covered in class thus far from the following options: deviance or poverty.
Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, education and religion.
Do these institutions support social solidarity on this topic, or do they promote social dysfunction? Use evidence from the module readings and viewings to support your answer.

 Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings with proper APA style formatting 


 A cartoon from a Northern American newspaper of 1874 on the efforts of the White League in Louisiana to intimidate and disenfranchise Black voters https://quest.eb.com/search/140_1638616/1/140_1638616/cite 


 Crime: Crash Course Sociology #20 .  


SOC 101 Discussion Board Grading Rubric

SOC 101 Discussion Board Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

20 pts

20 pts

20 pts

15 pts

Initial Post Originality and Relevance: original, accurate, relevant to the topic, coherent and addresses all parts of the discussion prompt, meets stipulated length requirements

20 pts A+:Post is accurate, complete, focused on the topic, presenting exceptionally well- articulated ideas fully addressing all elements of the assignment with significant originality, meets or exceeds length requirements.

19 pts A: Post is accurate, complete, focused on the topic, presenting well- articulated original ideas to fully address all elements of the assignment, meets or exceeds length requirements.

17 pts B: Post is accurate, complete, well written, addressing all elements of the assignment, and contains some original ideas, meets length requirements.

15 pts C: Post is accurate, mostly on topic and coherent, addressing all major elements of the topic with some degree of originality, meets length requirements.

13 pts D: Post lacks original ideas, incomplete, inaccurate, off topic to a large degree, poorly composed, and/or does not meet length requirements.

12 pts F: Post lacks originality, inaccurate, off topic, poorly composed, and/or does not meet length requirements.

0 pts F: Post is absent.

Responses: (to other students/instructor) support the discussion, advance the discussion, meet stipulated length requirements

20 pts A+: Responses to others are insightful, advance the discussion with probing questions and comments that bring in new ideas to advance the discussion, and meet or exceed length requirements.

19 pts A: Responses to others advance the discussion, offer extensive effort at advancing the discussion, and meet or exceed length requirements.

17 pts B: Responses to others move the discussion forward, show effort at advancing the discussion, and meet length requirements.

15 pts C: Responses to others are adequate in quality to support the discussion, showing basic efforts at advancing the discussion, and meets length requirements.

13 pts D: Responses to others fail to support the discussion adequately, and/or do not meet length requirements.

12 pts F: Responses to others contain no thought or effort, and/or do not meet length requirements.

0 pts F: Responses to others are absent.

Content: of the posts includes reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and demonstrates advanced reasoning skills

20 pts A+: All posts contain significant thoughtful, probing reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and demonstrate advanced reasoning skills for all major concepts and ideas.

19 pts A: All posts consistently demonstrate reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and advanced reasoning skills.

17 pts B: All posts contain adequate examples of reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and an adequate demonstration advanced reasoning skills.

15 pts C: Posts contain efforts at reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and/or demonstration of some advanced reasoning skills.

13 pts D; Posts lack any significant or consistent reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and fail to demonstrate advanced reasoning skills.

12 pts F: Posts lack any reflection, critical analysis/thinking, synthesis, and fail to demonstrate advanced reasoning skills.

0 pts F: Post are absent.

Writing Skills: conform to college- level writing conventions with appropriate vocabulary and use of disciplinary terminology, correct grammar, syntax, and spelling

15 pts A+: Posts contain no errors in spelling and grammar; or syntax, vocabulary is very sophisticated; artfully using disciplinary terms, comments are extremely well written, a pleasure to read.

14 pts A: Posts contain no spelling, syntactical or grammar errors; vocabulary is appropriately sophisticated, skillfully using disciplinary terms; comments are clearly articulated.

12.5 pts B: Posts contain no spelling and/or grammar or syntactical errors; vocabulary is somewhat sophisticated; comments are well written.

11 pts C: Posts contain a few minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or syntax; vocabulary is appropriate; comments are adequately composed and structured.

10 pts D: Posts consistently contain poor spelling and/or grammar; confusing syntax, vocabulary is too basic; comments are poorly composed.

7 pts F: Posts exhibit extremely poor writing skills; incorrect spelling and grammar; limit the reader’s ability to follow ideas

0 pts F: Post are absent.

Total Points: 100

15 pts

10 pts

or thoughts.

Timeliness and Frequency: (refers to during the week of the module) posts occur on multiple days, creating an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion

15 pts A+: Posts occur on more than 3 days, and form the core of a lively, ongoing and sustained insightful discussion.

14 pts A: Initial post is on time; posts occur on multiple days, and contribute significantly to an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion.

12.5 pts B: Initial post is on time; posts occur on two or more days, and contribute to an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion.

11 pts C: Initial post is on time, posts occur on at least two days, and occasionally contribute to an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion.

10 pts D: Initial post is late, and posts do not occur on multiple days, and/or do not contribute in any significant way to an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion.

7 pts F: Initial post is late, replies do not occur on multiple days, and do not contribute to an ongoing and sustained presence in the discussion.

0 pts F: Posts are absent or after the end of the module.

Use of Sources and References: including use of appropriate sources as evidence when necessary, and format citations and references appropriately in APA or other stipulated style

10 pts A+: All posts include numerous relevant references from significant sources. Use of extensive in- text citations and APA or other stipulated styles is consistent. which are all from significant sources. The use of extensive in- text citations and APA or other stipulated styles is carried throughout all posts.

9 pts A: All the posts consistently include appropriate sources. The use of extensive citations/references and APA or other stipulated styles is carried throughout all posts.

8 pts B: The posts consistently include appropriate sources; the posts use citations and references appropriately in APA or other stipulated styles.

7 pts C: The posts often include appropriate sources, some use of APA or other stipulated styles for citations/references.

6 pts D: The posts include inappropriate sources, and/or fail to use APA or other stipulated styles correctly

5 pts F: The posts lack appropriate sources, and/or fail to use references/citations.

0 pts F: Posts are absent or use no sources.

The post Pick one topic that has been covered in class thus far from the following options: deviance or poverty. Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, e first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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