The scene:? You are in graduate school, working at a painclinicfor your requiredinternship.You have created a new pain intervention that uses an illusion to decrease pain!?? Your job:?


The scene: 

You are in graduate school, working at a pain clinic for your required internship. You have created a new pain intervention that uses an illusion to decrease pain!   

Your job: 

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this new treatment, you have been asked to design an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Create a presentation for your internship supervisor that outlines the critical components of your idea. Successful completion of this activity involves the creation of a multimedia presentation (audio or video) to demonstrate your ability to test the effectiveness of your innovative pain intervention.  

Please adhere to the guidelines below and answer the following questions in preparation of your presentation: 

Use any of the available multimedia presentation software. 
Integrate visual artifacts to enhance your presentation. 
What is your hypothesis? 
Identify the specific pain and whether it’s acute or chronic. 
Identify the specific illusion you intend to use to alter the pain. 
Explain how the illusion would work. 
Discuss certain factors that might impede the success of your experiment. 
How likely do you believe your experiment will succeed? 
Do you believe using illusions to help with pain management is a better alternative to using opioids? Why/Why not? 


Module 2: Create Presentation Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing Novice


Relevance and Depth

Presentation thoroughly incorporates all instructions for the assignment and has clearly demonstrated the requirements.

The presentation generally incorporates the instructions for the assignment and has demonstrated the requirements. Additional details would have strengthened the quality of the presentation.

The presentation incorporates some of the assignment requirements, with components missing. Much more information is necessary in order to build a sufficient foundation on which the presentation should be based.

The presentation demonstrates few, if any, requirements identified in the assignment instructions.

No submission or relevance to the assignment.

Score 30 24 18 10 0

Connection with Audience

The topic and sources are presented clearly with the intended audience in mind (i.e., clear and relevant explanations are presented). Examples, details, and language are interesting and relevant, as well as used effectively to keep the audience engaged and connected.

The topic and sources are presented clearly with the intended audience in mind; however, further explanation of some sources would enhance the clarity of how they are connected to the project. Examples, details, and language are appropriate. More relevant examples would facilitate a stronger connection with the audience.

The topic and sources are presented at too high or too low of a level for the intended audience (or not fully presented), making it difficult for the writer to engage and connect with the audience. Examples, details, and language are inappropriate or irrelevant to the audience. The presentation indicates a lack of interest or confusion.

There is no consideration of the audience taken into account.

No submission or relevance to the assignment.

Score 25 21 14 7 0

Quality of Delivery (Narration)

Narration is clear, well- articulated, well-paced, and appropriately projected. Visual aids are used creatively and appropriately to supplement the narration.

Narration is generally well-articulated, well- paced, and appropriately projected. Minor areas could have been clearer.

Messages are articulated verbally but with inconsistencies in terms of pacing and/or projecting. Visual aids are used but do not necessarily supplement nor add clarity to the presentation, or the connections are unclear.

Messages, if delivered verbally, were hardly audible or were not engaging.

No submission or relevance to the assignment.

Score 25 21 14 7 0

Structure & Format

The content of the presentation is well organized and easy to follow. There are no problems with spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Scholarly sources are appropriately cited and referenced in APA format as applicable.

The content is of the presentation is clear and easy to follow once the organization of information is realized. There are minor problems with spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. Scholarly sources may not be appropriately cited and referenced in APA format. These problems and errors are not serious enough to distract the audience.

The organization of material should be reconsidered. There are major problems with spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. Citations and references are not present if needed, or have major errors in APA formatting. These problems and errors are distracting to the audience.

There is no clear organization. There are major problems with spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. Citations and references, if needed, are missing. These problems and errors are distracting to the audience.

No submission or relevance to the assignment.

Score 20 15 10 5 0

The post The scene:? You are in graduate school, working at a painclinicfor your requiredinternship.You have created a new pain intervention that uses an illusion to decrease pain!?? Your job:? first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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