Wildman and Davis discuss the ways in which language hides systems of privilege in the United States. What are some of the ways in which you are privileged by your class, race, gender, education, etc.?

It is necessary to read the Introduction to Part III and chapters 35-44 to support your answers to any class discussion questions.

Wildman and Davis discuss the ways in which language hides systems of privilege in the United States. What are some of the ways in which you are privileged by your class, race, gender, education, etc.? What makes it difficult to recognize this privilege? How might recognizing the various ways that we are privileged help to reduce or eliminate inequality?

Cose outlines many of the “demons” that African Americans experience as a result of racism. How are these demons common to all people of color? Have you or someone you know experienced any of these demons?

Cofer’s discussion illustrates that the way we see our bodies is influenced by dominant societal values and beliefs. How do you see your own perceptions of your body influenced by societal beliefs and values? How do these perceptions change in different situations?

How does equating the contempt members of marginalized groups possess for whites with the racism that whites direct at people of color keep us from finding solutions to racism?

The experiences of CeCe McDonald illustrate the ways in which violence is used as a form of social control. What are some of the ways in which violence is used against people of color and those who identify as transgender to maintain stratification based on race, sex, and gender?

Canada describes the way in which he and other boys in his neighborhood were taught to be violent. How do his experiences demonstrate how violence as a masculine characteristic is a social construct?

pick any 2 question and answer it

Requirements: 1 – 2 pages

The post Wildman and Davis discuss the ways in which language hides systems of privilege in the United States. What are some of the ways in which you are privileged by your class, race, gender, education, etc.? first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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