The concept of naïve realism.





2. (25 points) In your own words, identify and describe the concept of naïve realism. Be sure to include the following in your answer (See the naïve realism lecture & assignments):
• Why does naïve realism happen and what are some of the factors involved?
• What are the three big consequences of naïve realism and why do they occur?
• Finally, describe one example of how you have seen naïve realism (as a whole) have an impact on a current event.


3. (25 points) In your own words, identify and describe the four elements of automaticity. Be sure to include the following in your answer (See the automaticity & control lecture and assignments):
• What is each element and how does it work?
• Provide an example of each element of automaticity.
• Include at least two ways to test for some of these elements.


4. (25 points) In your own words, identify and describe the two “big problems” with perception. Be sure to include the following in your answer (See Kahneman Chapter 2 and the automaticity & control lecture and assignments):
• What is each problem and why does it occur?
• How is each problem is involved with or influenced by System 1 and System 2?
• In your own words, define the law of least effort and describe how the two “big problems” of perception can be a consequence of the law of least effort.


5. (25 points) In your own words, describe the relationship between self-control, cognitive effort, and ego-depletion. Be sure to include the following in your answer (See Kahneman Chapter 3):
• What is the relationship between cognitive effort, self-control, and ego-depletion?
• How are System 1 and System 2 involved in this relationship?
• Is it a fair statement to say that a lack of self-control or cognitive effort is due to laziness or a lack of intelligence? Why or why not?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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