Corporate Strategic Goals



Analyze the current internal and external driving forces affecting the healthcare industry.
Develop strategic goals for various levels of a healthcare organization.
Compare strategic thinking, strategic planning and strategic momentum.
Action Items
Conduct research regarding the current internal and external driving forces affecting the healthcare industry.
Write a paper (recommended minimum of 6 pages) in which you:
Identify a healthcare organization within your local area (Columbus) or region (Ohio).
This should be the same healthcare organization that you have chosen for your capstone assignment. (Note: you will revisit this organization in future assignments.)
Discuss the current driving forces that impact the system. Some of these include key competitors, governmental health policies, information systems and technologies; clinical and non-clinical workforce, population demographics, local economic climate, etc.
Conduct a brief analysis of the external environment of the system including the general environment, the service area, and the healthcare environment (see Exhibit 2-2, p. 42 in your textbook).
Use SMART criteria to write a strategic corporate goal that responds to the driving forces you identified. Justify the goal using information from your external analysis.
Write SMART goals for each major level of the organization (refer to Exhibit 1-5, p. 26, in your textbook).
Distinguish and explain the concepts of strategic thinking, strategic planning, and strategic momentum that are unique to each organizational level as they relate to the strategic goals that you wrote.


The post Corporate Strategic Goals first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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