What are the professional requirements for internationally educated nurses (IENs) migrating to the United States? What positions do IENs play in the United States? What challenges d


Review the following lecture:

Healthcare Workforce Diversity

Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubric for specific instructions relating to content and formatting.

Review the following article:

Rosenkoetter, M., Nardi, D., & Bowcutt, M. (2017). Internationally educated nurses in transition in the United States: Challenges and mediators. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(3), 139–144. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20170220-10

Additional articles providing background information:

Hongyan, L., Wenbo, N., & Junxin, L. (2014). The benefits and caveats of international nurse migration. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 1(3), 314–317. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352013214000787
Walani, S. R. (2015). Global migration of internationally educated nurses: Experiences of employment discrimination. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 3, 65–70. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214139115000220

After you have read the articles, respond to the following:

What are the professional requirements for internationally educated nurses (IENs) migrating to the United States?
What positions do IENs play in the United States?
What challenges do healthcare organizations face with IENs?
What challenges, both professional and personal, are encountered by IENs?
Identify one issue contained in the article Internationally Educated Nurses in Transition in the United States and explain its importance and how you, as an administrator, might address it, please explain your position.

To support your work,  

Submit this topic as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Use APA standards for citations and references.
Cite a minimum of three outside peer-reviewed sources to support your assertions and save it as


Healthcare Workforce Diversity.html

Healthcare Workforce Diversity

Cultural competency refers to the ability to interact with people across cultures. When used in healthcare, the term focuses on being able to care for patients with diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors.

Certain types of cultural barriers in healthcare have the power to negatively impact outcomes and lead to expensive consequences for health systems. Language barriers, for example, can have devastating effects.

“A key component to new care delivery models, such as patient-centered medical homes and accountable care organizations, is the ability to engage and educate patients about their health status,” the report added. “While doing this is challenging with all patients, for diverse patient populations it can be even more difficult due to language barriers, health literacy gap, and cultural differences in communication styles.”


Hussan University Online. (2019). The Need for Cultural Competence in Healthcare In order to meet the needs of patients, healthcare providers will need to promote cultural competency. Retrieved from https://medcitynews.com/?sponsored_content=the-need-for-cultural-competence-in-healthcare

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Human Resources in Healthcare: Managing for Success, read the following chapter:

Workforce Diversity

From the Internet, read the following:

Ludwick, R., & Silva, M. C. (2000). Ethics: Nursing around the world: Cultural values and ethical conflicts. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 5(3). Retrieved from http://ojin.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/Columns/Ethics/CulturalValuesandEthicalConflicts.aspx


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Reference no: EM132069492

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