Identify one of the key RN roles identified in the above article and reflect and write on how likely this role will impact your nursing career. For example, you might describe how you are already experiencing the existence of the recommendation, or the lack of it, in your work

Rationale Statement: In this assignment you will reflect on the impact of registered nurses in the roles of that of a professional, advocate, innovator, or collaborative leader.
Williams, T.E., Baker, K., Evans, L., Lucatorto, M.A., Moss, E., O’Sullivan, A., Seifert, P.C., Siek, T., Thomas, T.W., Zittel, B. (2016). Registered nurses as professionals, advocates, innovators, and collaborative leaders: Executive summary. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3), 7.
Review the materials located above.
Go to your course Journal and respond to the following questions. 100-150 words each should suffice.
Identify one of the key RN roles identified in the above article and reflect and write on how likely this role will impact your nursing career.
For example, you might describe how you are already experiencing the existence of the recommendation, or the lack of it, in your work setting (or former work setting); or you might reflect on what steps you intend to take to help implement the recommendation at your worksite, within your personal career, or within the profession of nursing; or you could possibly describe a nurse who you believe to be enacting one of the key roles, present the ways in which s/he is doing that, and what, if any, impact it is having.

Reference no: EM132069492

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