Open this document, Prisoners in 2020–Statistical Tables.Links to an external site. It is 50-pages long and I’m not asking you to read the whole document. However, it is full of information and I want you to peruse it and post ONE item of information that it is important to know or you found interesting when studying those who are sentenced to some sort of confinement. You may use the Figures, Tables, or text. For example, what state has the highest number of incarcerated Hispanics?
Review this document, The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparity in State PrisonsLinks to an external site.. Also, study Box 5.3, Race, Ethnicity, and Sentencing Decisions: Contextual Effects, on page 188 in the book. Given all that you have read and reviewed, along with these two documents, we see examples of the disparities among those who are sentenced to prisons in the United States. If you had the opportunity to sit on a board-of-directors making decisions about what can be done to reverse the discrimination pattern of sentencing, what kinds of suggestions would you present?
BOOK: Spohn, Cassia C. (2008). How Do Judges Decide: The Search for Fairness and Justice in Punishment. Sage Publisher. ISBN: 9781412961042
The post Open this document,?Prisoners in 2020Statistical Tables.Links to an external site.?It is 50-pages long and I’m not asking you to read the whole document. However, it is full of informat first appeared on Writeden.