Review the following lectures: they will be attached? Workplace Privacy Credentialing of Healthcare Providers Healthcare Workforce Diversity Diversity as a Multicultural Social

 Review the following lectures: they will be attached 

Workplace Privacy
Credentialing of Healthcare Providers
Healthcare Workforce Diversity
Diversity as a Multicultural Social Concept
The Spectrum of Diversity Viewed as Self
Striving to Understand Cultural Competence

. This is a cumulative course assignment.Diversity is present in the professional workforce and the patient population. Strategic human resource management’s (SHRM’s) function is essential in the process of recruiting and selecting new talent to assemble an effective workforce. In this process, SHRM must perform a process of credential verification and training. New employee assimilation into the workforce is a crucial process. However, there exists a number of functions SHRM must exercise to be successful and contribute to the strategic vision of the organization.Review the concepts presented in the prior weeks of the course to develop your response:

Discuss SHRM as an integral function of identifying need and talent to staff the healthcare organization. 
Comment on the nursing shortage and address the concerns created in workforce diversity, cultural considerations, licensure, and credentialing. 
Explain how the employment legislation acts presented in Week 1 of the course might apply to the foreign-born and educated healthcare professional working in the United States.
Discuss diversity as a difference from the viewpoint of the individual.
Evaluate the application and theoretical effectiveness of the LEARN and ASK mnemonics. 

Submit your answers in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. 

Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.

Workplace Privacy.html

Workplace Privacy

The current age of technological advances presents countless challenges for organizations related to digital processes and various forms of messaging, as well as technological access. The new age of technology has increased productivity and efficiency exponentially in the workplace. However, the healthcare industry remains the most breached with respect to hacking. Most breaches occur due to employee activities such as access of information and transportation of data. The liability incurred by a healthcare organization regarding patient data and sensitive information is immense. In somewhat of a twist, a prospective or current employee’s position could be placed in jeopardy, given the results of an Internet search. To further complicate the matter, employee computer activity in the workplace, various forms of messaging, and Internet access have challenged the notion of privacy. There is no expectation of privacy in the workplace. Phone calls, messages, and computer activity can be monitored. In many organizations, the use of portable storage devices (flash drives or voice-recording devices), transportation of sensitive information on laptops, and, in many instances, cell phones are prohibited.

The role of SHRM covers a spectrum of responsibilities woven throughout an organization’s fabric. Human resource management has evolved having a strategic focus in assisting with an organization’s mission and vision. SHRM must maintain effectiveness and balance in its responsibilities.

Additional Materials

From your course textbook, Human Resources in Healthcare: Managing for Success, read the following chapter:

Health Care Professionals

From the Internet, read the following:

The Balance. (2017). List of U.S. employment laws. Retrieved from
HR Hero. (2018). Employee Monitoring and Workplace Privacy Law. Retrieved from
Smith, D. V., & Burg, J. (2012). What are the limits of employee privacy? GPSolo, 29(6). Retrieved from


Striving to Understand Cultural Competence.html

Striving to Understand Cultural Competence

Striving to understand various cultures and achieve cultural competence is a challenge for a healthcare organization and more so for a health professional. Many healthcare professionals choose the healthcare field out of a profound desire to help others. The desire to overcome barriers is often at a subconscious level as well as the endeavor to understand health beliefs, behaviors, and culture to achieve culturally competent and care for the whole patient.

Many healthcare providers might consider an introspective approach to identify, understand, and assess their ability to care for a diverse patient population. Campinha-Bacote (2002) have developed a mnemonic “ASKED” to assist the health professional in self-assessing to determine and identify areas of sensitivity or needed understanding. The mnemonic “ASKED” represents Awareness, Skill, Knowledge, Encounters, and Desire (see table 1). It must be noted the expectation is not to become an expert or develop the falsehood of believing that one is an expert on the various cultures and differences in society. It should be understood that the difference is not only real, but is a lived experience viewed through the eyes of the patient. As such, the best approach to understand diversity is through an emotionally astute interrogative interview exchange between the healthcare professional and the patient.

Several pathways have been developed to facilitate the idea of addressing diverse cultural desires. The “LEARN” model provides a process to assist the healthcare professional with an approach to understand a patient’s difference. The mnemonic represented by the acronym “LEARN” is the process of listening, explaining, acknowledging, recommending, and negotiating. In a patient-centered approach, the diagnosis must first be understood and accepted, treatment options need to be explained, and the patient should be allowed to select the treatment that best suits his or her lifestyle, cultural belief, and other factors (Berlin & Fowkes, 1982).


Berlin, E., & Fowkes, W. (1982). A teaching framework for cross-cultural health care. Western Journal of Medicine, 139(6), 934–938. Retrieved from

Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). Cultural competence in psychiatric nursing: Have you “ASKED” the right questions? Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 8(6), 183–187. doi: 10.1067/mpn.2002.130216

Cultural Competence: Have I “ASKED” Myself the Right Questions? Review each icon to understand the ASKED model.

Additional Materials

From the Internet, read the following:

Hemberg, J. (2020). Caring ethics as the foundation for cultural competence: views of health professionals working in student healthcare context. 

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 34(4), 989–1000.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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