You have been askedto develop a plan to support and train one of the following educational roles, to support them in their agency as a member of a Trauma-Informed School community.
Educational Role Choices: (pick one)
1. Licensed Colleagues/Teachers (e.g. SPEDand/orGen.Ed)
2. Paraprofessionals
3. Support Services (e.g.OT/PT/Speech Therapist; Assessment personnel)
4. Custodians, cafeteria, and/or transportation staff)
5. BuildingAdministration
6. Families
7. Community Partnerships (e.g. local therapy agencies, community based intervention specialists)
8. District level decision makers (e.g. Superintendent, School Board, District Office personnel)
Design a positive behavioral support approach to Stakeholder Collaboration and Engagement in a successful trauma-informed school.
1) Determine the education role of focus.
2) Describe the role in terms of what you know about them and why they are instrumental to the success of trauma-informed schools.
3) Consider and speak to the following: What does success look like in engaging this group? What do you want the role to know, believe, and practice about trauma-informed schools?
4) In order to support success, identify at least two well defined SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realist and time-frame) goals for the role.
5) When creating a plan for how to engage, thing about differentiation. As in a classroom, educational roles have differen tneeds and ways of engaging. Depending on who the group is and what your engagement goals are, identify things such as:
(i) How will you communicate with them? (Weekly versus monthly touch points?
(ii) How will you involve the group in designing what growth and success should look like instead of informing them of what changes to expect.
(iii) How might your stakeholders interact/collaborate with other stakeholders?
(iv) How will you know when a successful outcome (goals) have been achieved?
6) Speak specifically to the program essential question in your writing: In light of what is known about how children learn, how shall professional educators best promote resilience and recovery for the children and families who have experienced traumatic events?
7) And as always….Deep Dive.
The post Stakeholder Engagement in Trauma Informed Schools first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.