Explain the author’s argument in the article that youve chosen. In his/her view, what is the correct position to have on the applied ethics issue you chose? What are the reasons that

Part I – Explain the author’s argument in the article that you’ve chosen. In his/her view, what is the correct position to have on the applied ethics issue you chose? What are the reasons that he/she gives in support of his/her view?
Part II – Present potential problems for the author’s position. This will not need to be fully developed. Just give three potential problems with the author’s argument (in complete sentences) as bullet points. Make sure that you briefly explain to them so that I know why this is a problem for the author’s argument. After presenting the potential problems, explain which objection is the best objection to the author’s argument, in your view. Make sure to explain why. 

The post Explain the author’s argument in the article that youve chosen. In his/her view, what is the correct position to have on the applied ethics issue you chose? What are the reasons that first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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