For this assignment, look through the Learning Resources from the entire semester and find one specific example of literature, art, music, dance, drama, theater, philosophy, or religi


For this assignment, look through the Learning Resources from the entire semester and find one specific example of literature, art, music, dance, drama, theater, philosophy, or religion that you can use as inspiration to create something of your own that imitates it or presents a new perspective on it.

This means you should find a specific painting, poem, story, piece of philosophy, religious ritual, play, dance etc. Do not use terminology like hue, perspective, tempo etc. You are imitating or building from the work of another artist, philosopher, author etc. 

You will share your creative effort with the class in a discussion forum. Please avoid repeating something creative you may have already done in the class discussions.

The post For this assignment, look through the Learning Resources from the entire semester and find one specific example of literature, art, music, dance, drama, theater, philosophy, or religi first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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