NOTE – please read instruction carefully, and the writing rule MUST be obeyed
Rationale Statement: In this PPT assignment you will choose an advanced practice nurse (APN) specialty and research and identify three roles and challenges specific to your chosen specialty.
Helpful links:
IDPR Illinois
Illinois NPs
(You will find some information on the narrower NP specialties within the American Association of NPs -AANP website)
Choose one from the following advanced practice nursing (APN) positions:
Certified Nurse Anesthetist
Certified Nurse Midwife (This is different from a CPM – so you might want to look at the differences)
Nurse Practitioner, if you choose this position, narrow your selection to one of the following:
Acute Care NP
Adult/Gerontology NP – CHOSEN TOPIC
Mental Health/Behavioral Health NP
Family NP
Pediatric NP
Neonatal NP
Research and find 3 roles and 3 challenges (no more) the selected APN position faces in Illinois. (Be specific to the identified APN specialty you have chosen and utilize the Illinois specific corresponding Advanced Practice Rules and Regulations as well as specialty associations to assist with this item. Keep in mind that Illinois APNs have full practice authority).
In a PowerPoint presentation, you will use the 6×6 rule (each slide should have no more than 6 bullet points with each bullet point having no more than 6 words). Your detailed discussion should be placed on the speaker notes, in full sentences and cited. Provide a cover slide that includes the APN position you have chosen, your name and date. You will need an APA formatted reference page(s) as your last slide(s). (This slide(s) should look exactly like an APA paper’s reference page with all the font size and style matching, double spacing throughout, and for the individual references, all lines after the first are indented). You may need to delete the heading area of the slide to comply with APA.
No more than 6 slides of content.