HCS/451: Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis
Wk 1 Discussion: Evolution of CQI [due Thurs]
Wk 1 Interactive Video: Continuous Quality Improvement Processes
Wk 1 Quiz: Six Domains of Health Care
Discussion Topic
Discussion Topic
As a new health care manager, quality improvement will always be important. Even as quality improvement progresses forward, it’s important to acknowledge how this process evolved over the years.
• How has the evolution of continuous quality improvement (CQI) impacted the health care industry?
• What event or process do you think has played the most significant role in this evolution? Why?
Response Requirements
• By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words.
Due Monday
Read and respond to at least two of your classmate’s discussion posts.
Write a 100 to 150-word response to your classmate’s response.
• By Monday, post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.
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