In this module, you will explore the concept of neurodiversity and approach variations in brain functioning as differences, not deficits. What does it mean to embrace these differences as strengths in our society?
To help inform your initial post, review two of the following videos:
Human Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as a Disorder (3:15)
Captioned version: Human Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated, Not Treated as a Disorder (CC)
Neurodiversity: An Untapped Resource for Future Inventors | Shawn Brown (13:59)
Captioned version: Neurodiversity: An Untapped Resource for Future Inventors | Shawn Brown (CC)
Neurodiversity – The Key That Unlocked My World | Elisabeth Wiklander (17:59) (CC)
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Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric
Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric
Overview Your active participation in the discussions is essential to your overall success this term. Discussion questions will help you make meaningful
connections between the course content and relevant programmatic themes. These discussions give you a chance to express your own
thoughts, ask questions, and gain insight from your peers and instructor.
Directions For each discussion, you must create one initial postone initial post and follow up with at least two response poststwo response posts.
For your initial postinitial post, do the following:
Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs.
In Module One, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Eight, complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.
Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing
scholarly or popular sources.
For your response postsresponse posts, do the following:
Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread.
In Module One, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern.
In Modules Two through Eight, complete your two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.
Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in the discussion
Discussion Rubric
CriteriaCriteria ExemplaryExemplary ProficientProficient NeedsNeeds
ImprovementImprovement Not EvidentNot Evident ValueValue
Contribution toContribution to
the Learningthe Learning
Initial post actively
stimulates the
discussion and
growth of learning
within the
community by
dialogue; posts
reflect a clear
focused point of
view pertaining to
subject matter that
is supported by
credible resources
and is designed to
motivate the group’s
dialogue (100%)
Initial post
contributes to the
learning community
by initiating
dialogue; posts
reflect a clear point
of view and are
supported by
credible resources
Initial post
contributes to the
learning community,
with an attempt to
initiate dialogue;
posts may reflect
some challenges in
communicating a
clear point of view
that may not be
supported by
credible resources
Initial post does not
contribute to the
learning community,
with no attempt to
initiate dialogue;
post does not reflect
a clear point of view
that is supported by
credible resources
Relevance toRelevance to
Social Justice,Social Justice,
Initial post
integrates multiple
themes and
elaborates on how
each theme relates
to the discussion
topic (100%)
Initial post
elaborates on how
one or more
themes relate to the
discussion topic
Initial post attempts
to integrate one or
more applicable
themes, which may
relate to the
discussion topic
Initial post does not
integrate one or
more applicable
themes (0%)
Advancement ofAdvancement of
Response posts
significantly add to
the learning
community and
advance the
discussion by
building upon peers’
initial posts; posts
integrate multiple
views from other
learners and
sources, views are
applicable to
content and
practice, and they
extend learning
within the
community (100%)
Response posts add
to the learning
community and
advance the
discussion; posts
integrate views from
other learners and
sources (85%)
One or more
response posts
attempt to add to
the learning
community and
provide content that
somewhat advances
the discussion (55%)
One or more
response posts do
not add value to the
learning community
and fail to advance
the discussion (0%)
Posts are clear and
concise, and
demonstrate respect
and awareness of
peers’ viewpoints;
proper APA citation
methods used where
applicable, with
minor errors in
citations (100%)
Posts are clear and
concise, and
demonstrate respect
and awareness of
peers’ viewpoints;
proper APA citation
methods used where
applicable, with few
errors in citations,
grammar, and syntax
Posts are
understandable, and
use proper APA
citation methods
where applicable,
with a number of
errors in citation,
grammar, and syntax
Posts lack clarity,
contain numerous
grammar and syntax
errors, and/or do not
use proper APA
citation methods
where applicable
TimelinessTimeliness N/A Submits initial post
on time (100%)
Submits initial post
one day late (55%)
Submits initial post
two or more days
late (0%)
Total:Total: 100%
You have viewed this topic
Last Visited Oct 15, 2023 8:25 PM
PSY-108-J2421 Introduction to Psychology 23EW2 Christopher Middleton
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Table of Contents Assignment Information Psychology Undergraduate Discussion Rubric
Activity Details
PSY Norms of Practice for Online Discussion
The norms below help define what acceptable behavior looks like in your discussions. These norms are
established to strengthen communication among you and your peers, as well as feelings of safety.
In each discussion, please practice the following:
Provide thoughtful commentary and participation to the community.
Help peers, through advocacy and communication, to promote equity and fairness.
Respect diversity. o Refrain from name calling. o Do not criticize individuals or groups, but don’t be afraid to note non-inclusive ideas. o Be open and considerate of others and their perspectives.
Acknowledge bias. o Consider your background and experiences and how they may differ from the
experiences of others. o Consider sources of research.
Acknowledge peer contributions to the learning community. o Summarize and quote others within the community.
Politely challenge others, with the goal of facilitating growth.
Maintain academic ethics.
PSY Norms of Practice for Online Discussion
PSY Ethical Usage Practices
Before adding content to a paper, project, portfolio, or discussion, you need to fully understand the legal and ethical practices associated with using resources and words that are not your own.
Why cite your sources?
● Shows that you are a responsible scholar ● Shows that your work can be supported and establishes your credibility ● Provides credit of ownership to others’ work ● Guides readers to further information on a topic
When should you cite?
● A direct quotation ● A paraphrase or restatement of what someone else says ● A summary of someone’s work ● Any data, charts, or graphs used ● Websites ● Media, including images and videos ● Class discussions or online discussions ● A previously written paper
When do you NOT cite?
● Common knowledge (George Washington was the first president of the U.S.)
Do you need more information about citation?
● Visit this Shapiro Library webpage: APA Style: Basics
PSY Ethical Usage Practices
Why cite your sources?
When should you cite?
When do you NOT cite?
Do you need more information about citation?
The post In this module, you will explore the concept of neurodiversity and approach variations in brain functioning as differences, not deficits. What does it mean to embrace these difference first appeared on Writeden.