NRS 493 Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal – Topic 3
Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems
Health care delivery and clinical systems entail the management and provision of quality and safe health services through health continuum focused on health promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of chronic conditions or diseases as well as rehabilitation and palliative care services (Mjåset et al., 2020). During this week, I have discovered that health providers, from nurses and doctors to pharmacists and therapists focus on diverse models to deliver quality and safety care to patients with different conditions. Through different delivery models like value-based care and managed care organizations, individuals can access quality care services at affordable cost (AHRQ, 2022). The implication is that these delivery models and clinical systems are a core aspect of quality care provision and allowing nurses to customize interventions based on patient care needs.
My personal strengths concerning these models include the ability to analyze the benefits that each offers to patients and how providers can invest more resources to improve care access and working collaboratively with all stakeholders to identify priority needs in different patient populations. Again, implementing these models, especially evidence-based practice (EBP) approaches is necessary in attaining better outcomes (Fuchs et al., 2021). Conversely, my weaknesses include engaging patients and health populations on the effectiveness of these models, and getting sufficient time to work with them based on their needs.
Additional resources that providers can introduce in any situation to influence optimal outcomes include offering their time, expertise, and information using brochures and other content to help them make effective choices and decisions. The use of customized delivery models allows providers to tailor interventions to meet patient needs and improve care quality (Moulton et al., 2022). These health care delivery and clinical systems ensure that patients get better and safe care to address their health concerns.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (2022 April). Health Care/System
Fuchs, B., Studer, G., Bode, B., Wellauer, H., Frei, A., Theus, C., … & Breitenstein, S. (2021).
Development of a value-based healthcare delivery model for sarcoma patients. Swiss medical weekly, 151(5152), w30047-w30047. DOI: 10.4414/smw.2021.w30047.
Mjåset, C., Ikram, U., Nagra, N. S., & Feeley, T. W. (2020). Value-based health care in four
different health care systems. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 1(6). DOI:10.1056/CAT.20.0530
Moulton, J. E., Withanage, N. N., Subasinghe, A. K., & Mazza, D. (2022). Nurse-led service
delivery models in primary care: a scoping review protocol. BJGP open, 6(3).
DOI: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0194.