Are terrorists who they say they are unless proven otherwise? When confronted with terrorism by groups that define themselves and the reason they fight, should that be the start point of the counter-terror effort or should the investigation begin with the categories of terrorism?
Take a look at your textbook and note all the different TYPES of terrorism which they identify (nationalist terrorism; religiously-based terrorism, domestic terrorism, etc.)
Do you think it is useful to break down terrorism into different types in this way?
Why is it important to be able to say what type of terrorist someone is?
Do you think that the differences between the groups are more important – or are the similarities between groups more important, and why?
Some analysts have argued that our world is becoming more globalized. People travel more, they interact with others through the internet and as a result, we are perhaps becoming more nationalistic.
Do you think that Nationalist Terrorism is a response to globalization (or, in the alternative, terrorism by those seeking the destruction of national identity) will at some point cease to be a force in international relations, or will it always be an important source of conflict? IF you think it is becoming less important, what other forces are perhaps becoming more important?
The post Types of Terrorism first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.