TOPIC 3 DQ 2 After finishing this course and considering your future career, how confident are you in your career choice?

Topic 3 DQ 2

Finishing this course and considering my future career will be fascinating and will encourage me to take on leadership roles with a view of improving care delivery based on research evidence in a systematic manner. I am confident in my career choice of being a nurse based on the skills and the level of expertise that I possess. As I noted, nursing is beyond a profession as nurses exceed what is expected of them to deliver quality patient care. Having confidence in nursing as a career choice is not by chance by a deliberate effort to improve my abilities and understanding the type of environment that I operate from to serve patient in a more holistic manner.

Career quizzes, like the Princeton Review, allow individuals to determine the career choice that aligns with not their interests but also personality. Career quizzes assists one to be more self-aware and strengthens their emotional intelligence as well as increase their employability. After taking The Princeton Review quiz, the results and recommended career options align with my career choice of being a nurse practitioner. According to the results, my interests are in color blue while my style is in yellow color. The results show that people with blue interests like jobs and occupation which involve creative, humanistic, and thoughtful activities (The Princeton Review, 2022). The results also show that blue interests entail abstracting, theorizing, designing and writing, reflection as well as originating. The recommended careers include nurse, nutritionist, psychologist, professor, administrator and researcher among others. They can also pursue careers as dentists, editor, comedian and actor, and clergy as pastors and priests.

The style describes the strengths that one brings to the work environment when they are at their best. Individuals with yellow style carry out their responsibilities and duties an orderly and planned manner to meet set schedule (Princeton Review, 2021). Therefore, the Princeton Review quiz’s results are not surprising to me since I work as a nurse where there is need to be orderly and organized to deliver quality and planned care interventions.


The Princeton Review (2022). Career Quiz.!quizresult_142389_quizResultsTab

Princeton Review. (2021). Princeton Review PSAT/NMSQT Prep 2021: 3 Practice Tests+

            Review and Techniques+ Online Tools. Princeton Review.

Reference no: EM132069492

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