Evaluation research is a big industry. There are several large research firms that contract with the federal government to evaluate programs and policies. Two examples are the Rand Corporation (https://www.rand.org) and Abt Associates (https://www.abtassociates.com/). Check out their websites and summarize at least 2 evaluation studies related to criminal justice or criminology. Be sure to address the following for each study: What type of evaluation study was it? What methods were used? Were these methods appropriate for the evaluation question? If an outcome evaluation study was conducted, was a true experiment used, or was it a quasi experimental design?
Your assignment should be about 3-4 pages in length. Citations of sources must be included. APA Format.
The post Evaluation research is a big industry. There are several large research firms that contract with the federal government to evaluate programs and policies. Two examples are the Rand Corp first appeared on Writeden.