The Capstone takes the form of either: An Extended Research Proposal (Route A); or, A Business Consultancy Project (Route B). The Business Consultancy Project (Route B), is designed for those students on the

Welcome to the Capstone

This handbook has been produced to provide you with the basic information that you will require to complete this stage of your studies.

The BSM823 Capstone is a 60-credit module on the Postgraduate suite of courses at Aberdeen Business School. It represents the culmination of your Masters study and you must pass this module to qualify for the award of Master of Science (MSc).

Aim of Module

The aim of the module is to provide students with the opportunity to integrate Masters level knowledge and skills by independently producing a project on an appropriate topic from a degree related discipline.

Different Routes to undertake your Research

The Capstone takes the form of either:

  • An Extended Research Proposal (Route A); or,
  • A Business Consultancy Project (Route B).

The Business Consultancy Project (Route B), is designed for those students on the work-placement route, or Part Time students in a workplace where a suitable project may be available. This takes the form of a piece of consultancy for a client (usually the organisation that you work for) on an issue of relevance to your degree programme.


Reference no: EM132069492

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