Case Study: Develop an Intervention Plan


Your job for this case study is to develop an intervention plan based on the function of behavior.
The case study will provide a brief description of the student, the student’s classroom setting, and
an ABC recording chart presenting the antecedents and setting events (context) related to the
behavior and the consequences that follow it. The case study also identifies the function of
challenging behavior and provides a rationale for selecting that function.
After reading the case study, you will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive
intervention plan to decrease challenging behavior and increase appropriate behavior that will
replace the challenging behavior.
In developing your intervention plans, you should consider changing the antecedents and setting
events, as well as the consequences.
After reviewing the case study:
1. In designing an intervention plan to address Matt’s behavior, you should match the function of
his behavior. In other words, the intervention should, in part at least, allow Matt to achieve the
same function as he currently achieves through challenging behavior. Your intervention plan also
should address what will happen if/when challenging behavior does occur.
2. Finally, in addition to addressing appropriate replacement behaviors and the supports for those
behaviors, you also should think about how to change antecedent conditions so you can prevent
Matt from engaging in challenging behavior. Reread the goals of intervention when the function
of challenging behavior is sensory stimulation/sensory regulation as you develop an intervention
plan to address Matt’s behavior.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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