Assignment Task
Describe an experience, either ethical or unethical, you have had in a work-based setting (or one that you have some knowledge about), which involved an ethical dilemma or decision, you made or witnessed others make. Introduce the case with a short introduction to include industry. sector, country of incident, type of incident (e.g theft, discrimination etc.), whether behaviour directed towards employees, customers, employees or peers. Reflect on whether you or others did the right thing? What caused you or others to act the way you or they did? How should similar incidents be handled in the future? Reflect also on how you could interpret the incident and its outcomes in terms of the theories of ethics addressed in the module.
Reflect back on your first log entry with respect to your attitudes to business ethics. How has your thinking developed since you began the course? Have your attitudes changed/modified in any substantial way? Include reference to theories, cases and examples from the course. How ethical do you expect the work place to be? Have your opinions changed having studied Business Ethics?