Conduct national monetary policy

Use the Wall Street Journal menu link to find a recent article related to activities of the Federal Reserve. Alternatively, your source may be any other business periodical (e.g., Forbes, Business Week, The Economist) with an article that contains relevant information.


Consider the Fed activity described in the article in the light of the four major goals listed below:


1. Conduct national monetary policy


2. Supervise and regulate banking institutions


3. Maintain financial system stability


4. Protect financial institutions and consumers


Provide a link or reference to the article. Then read and reply to each of the prompts below:


· Briefly summarize the key points of the article


· Which of the four goals listed above does the Fed’s activity from the article aim to promote?


. Note:  It may aim to address more than one of the listed items


· Do you believe that the Fed’s activity succeeded in promoting those goals? Why or why not?


· Have these actions of the Fed directly affected your company or workplace? Why or why not?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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