Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psychological materials and then required to incorporate the content into a paper or other type of written or oral presentation. At times, the material you are reading might be quite technical, and it may be challenging for you to present these ideas in your own words. This is your opportunity to practice this important skill.
PSY341 – Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Unit 1 Assignment: Summarization Assignment
Due Date: Points: 100
Throughout your coursework and professional career, it is extremely important that you write in your own words. You will often be tasked with reading psychological materials and then required to incorporate the content into a paper or other type of written or oral presentation. At times, the material you are reading might be quite technical, and it may be challenging for you to present these ideas in your own words. This is your opportunity to practice this important skill.
Review the following websites to learn about summarizing:
• Purdue Owl: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
• Example of a Summary
• Read the passage below from your textbook.
• Think about the main ideas contained in the passage.
• In your own words, summarize the main ideas in paragraph form with a minimum of four (4) complete sentences.
Textbook Passage:
Science is influenced not only by its historical context but also by the prevailing social and cultural context. This prevailing context is sometimes referred to as the zeitgeist – the spirit of the times. Psychological research and its application exist in a reciproval relationship with society: research has an effect on and is affected by society. The social and cultural context can influence what researchers choose to study, the resources available to support their research, and society’s acceptance of their findings. For example, researchers have developed new programs because of an increasing emphasis on women’s issues (and because of increasing numbers of women doing research). Topics in this emerging area include the “glass ceiling” that impedes women’s advancement in organizations, the interplay between work and family for dual-career couples, the effects of availability of quality child care on productivity in the workforce and on children’s development. Social and cultural attitudes can affect not only what researchers study but how they choose to do their
research. Society’s attitude toward bilingualism, for instance, can affect whether researchers emphasize problems that arise for bilingual education or the benefits that children gain from bilingual education (p. 10).
• Include an APA-style citation at the end of the first sentence of your summary. You citation for this source is (Shaughnessy et al., 2015).
• Include the following APA-style reference for your textbook below your summary: References
Shaughnessy, J.J., Zechmeister, E. B., & Zechmeister, J. S. (2015). Research methods in psychology (10th ed.) McGraw-Hill.
• Incorporate all main ideas into your own words.
• Use appropriate APA style for the citation and reference.
• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Summarization Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement
Proficient Exemplary
0 – 32 points 33 – 43 points 44 – 49 points 50 – 55 points Summary Content
Did not summarize. Only one main idea was included. Quoted excessively or used word substitutions excessively. Included an Excessive amount of extra information not found in original source.
Demonstrated adequate understanding of passage material. Some main ideas were incorporated. Some quoting and/or used word substitution was present. Included some extra information not found in original source.
Demonstrated mastery of passage material. Incorporated most main ideas. A few word substitutions or extra information were included.
Demonstrated excellent mastery of passage essence. Incorporated all main ideas in own words. Quotes, word substitutions, and extra information were not included.
0 points 5 points Scholarly Source
Citation and/or reference are absent or incorrect.
Citation and reference are included and correct.
0 – 11 points 12 – 15 points 16 – 17 points 18 – 20 points Structure and Flow
Flow is poor. Paragraphing is inappropriate. Transitions are minimal or absent. Significant redundancy is evident.
Flow is adequate. Paragraphs may be too long or too short. Transitions are minimal, and redundancy is evident.
Flow is good. Paragraphing is mostly appropriate. Transitions are present, and redundancies are minimal.
Flow is excellent. Paragraphing is clear, and transitions are smooth and consistent. Inappropriate redundancies are absent.
0 – 11 points 12 – 15 points 16 – 17 points 18 – 20 points Grammar and Spelling
Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.
Numerous errors somewhat interfere with professional presentation.
Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Writing and format are clear, professional, and error-free.
Evaluation Rubric for Summarization Assignment
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