Assignment Task
A Brief Guide to SMART goal setting
A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant and time based. In other words, a goal that is very clear and easily understood.
The goal must clearly state what is to be achieved, and sometimes it may even state why that goal is important. Not all of these questions will apply to every goal, but it is important to ask all the questions in order to assess how specific your goal is and make it as clear as possible. For example to set a goal relevant to time management and prioritisation of care you will need to think about how you will know if you have been successful.
Measurability applies to both the end result and the milestones along the way to attaining a goal. It answers the question of quantity-how much, how often, how many? The milestones are signs along the way that will tell you that you are on the right track to achieving your goal. This is often true when it comes to goals. Your clinical coach or preceptor may be able to help you to identify how you can measure your achievements in a clinical setting in relation to the care plan and the ANMC competencies.
You should ensure that the goals you set are achievable. Firstly, you must believe that you can manage to do what you are setting out to do. If you set goals that are not appropriate then it is very unlikely you will achieve them. Hence it will be necessary to review your goals according to the setting i.e. once you have arrived in each new clinical area.
Your goals must be relevant to what you want to achieve in the short term and the long term. Understanding your academic and skill learning needs in relation to your course objectives is essential. You may have identified a learning need from a previous placement that you would like to achieve in the next as well as have new skills demonstrated at University that you would now like to practice.
This sometimes overlaps with the goal being Specific, but it aims to ensure that you put a time-frame to your goals. This will be dependant on the duration of your placement and the skills you aim to practice. You can identify steps in each goal as you are able to work more independently.