Disasters occur on national and international stages as well as on local levels. It is
imperative that social work leaders are among those responsible for responding. Social
work practitioners bring a variety of skills based on our code of ethics to address both
natural and human-made crises and disasters. Consider the devastation caused by natural
disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, HurricaneMaria, Hurricane Sandy, and the 2010
earthquake in Haiti. Youmay also consider crises such as the global pandemic COVID-19
or school shootings. Local resources were insufficient for dealing with the overwhelming
needs of the area. Macro andmeta level responses were required. Consider how you as a
social work leader with skills and knowledge about crisis intervention and disaster relief
would have applied those resources to providemacro andmeta level relief services after
such large disasters and crises.
Using your text and the current scholarly literature (6 scholarly articles or government
sites) on disaster response, create a PowerPoint presentation to the Red Cross task force
assigned to the disaster or crisis response for the entire affected area. Use a sufficient
number of slides to address the physical, social and cultural, financial, and political needs
of the various island nations and protectorates as a whole. After establishing the list of
macro andmeta level needs, recommend interventions and/or strategic planning for
recovery based onmacro andmeta level social work practices.
Additional Requirements
● The PowerPoint presentation should be professional and follow best practices
for presentations.
○ Please include detailed presenter notes for each slide.
● APA formatting
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