Specific Instructions:
You are required to develop a training course and training materials on the basis of a training needs analysis conducted on an organisation and target group that you are familiar with using the Project scenario below. The total word count for the project is 5,000 words (plus or minus 10%), excluding appendices.
Project Scenario:
The leamer is invited by an organisation with which s/he is familiar, to help them to identify training and development (T&D) needs for a target group; design and develop materials for a 4-hour training course (ready for delivery); and devise a training plan or detailed checklist to manage the success of the training course so that the training objective(s) can clearly be met. A key requirement of the organisation is that the training course is to be delivered by existing trainers in the organisation; therefore trainer instructions must clearly explain how this is to be done.
The organisation has experienced change recently and this is to be referenced in the project. The learner is to select one trigger for change from the following: plans to install new equipment or plans to introduce a new business process or plans to implement a quality initiative or a need to support newly appointed person(s).
You should address the following in your response:
1. Conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to identify training and development needs, and analyse the outcomes into gaps in knowledge, skill and attitudes
brief background to an organisation, brief profile of the selected target group of employees comprising varying roles or an individual role (job title(s), length of service, gender, age); select the trigger for change from the list above and explain the significance of this trigger to the organisation
Conduct research to identify training needs, giving a detailed account and rationale for the methods selected. Attach to the Appendix a sample of appropriate open probing questions to ask of job holders, a supervisor (who will give insight into the current capabilities of the job holders and of training needs), and management/Human Resources (regarding context for the training, management view of T&D in the organisation). It is recommended to research a minimum 5 Job Holders.
Analyse the data from the TNI research, identifying outcomes in terms of gaps in knowledge, skills and attitudes; in response the trigger described, proposing the training objective(s) of the intervention
2. Prepare a training plan or checklist to manage the success of the proposed training, based on the systematic training cycle, to include a statement of prioritised needs and a cost benefit analysis