This is a very low Cronbach’s given this is scale that has shown reliability previously. Did anything stand out to you about your data? From just looking at the scores of the 15 participants, did they seem like wildly different responses? Why do you think this was? Good job getting a good number of participants.
Reliability of Growth Scale Discussion
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Reliability of Growth Scale Discussion
The Growth Mindset scale was analyzed with 15 individuals, including me, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.214. This shows that the size has poor internal consistency or dependability. Our result is not always as high as the preferred degree of 0.7, which is usually generic and good enough for study purposes, even though Cronbach’s alpha values vary from 0 to 1, with higher values implying more excellent reliability (Dweck, 2013). This means that participants may not consistently measure the same underlying development mindset construct across scale items.
This evaluation emphasizes the vital significance of comprehending how psychometric checks determine dependability. A regularly used metric to evaluate internal consistency is Cronbach’s alpha, which suggests how many scale factors correlate (Dweck et al., 1995). A more significant alpha coefficient shows excellent reliability, showing that the items consistently measure the desired construct.
Several factors can affect the dependability of a test or scale. One detail is the objects’ specificity and clarity. Unclarified or poorly phrased items may also cause members to respond unevenly, reducing the scale’s dependability. Furthermore, reliability may be impacted by the homogeneity of the examined idea (Dweck, 2013). The scale may not be internally regular if the factors no longer constitute every aspect of the construct fairly.
Dweck, C. S. (2013). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. Psychology Press.
Dweck, C. S., Chiu, C. Y., & Hong, Y. Y. (1995). Implicit theories and their role in judgments and reactions: A word from two perspectives. Psychological Inquiry, 6(4), 267-285.
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