

Due: Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:59pm4/28/2024



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Available after Apr 15, 2024 12:00am4/15/2024


This assignment portal is announcing 2 assignments but only allows you to submit one.  You will read about a 5 paragraph essay and about a Final Video.  (Anything you see about a revision is not applicable to you since I am canceling that assignment since this class does have to meet the standards for a writing intensive class). 

You are being assigned your last major writing assignment for EN / TE 331, which will be submitted through this portal.  The writing assignment is a reflective piece of writing that will ask you to reflect on your own understanding of writing as a tool in your personal and professional life.  I struggled before I wrote that word “life.”  Should it have been plural?  If so, that would mean that we humans have a segregated professional life apart from our personal life.  As you see, I chose the singular “life” because the two seem inseparable for me. You’ve read the blog post I titled “Just Words” in Module Two.  Since then you’ve studied various grammatical and syntactical rules and guidelines for using “Prestige language,” and the prestige language varies in its vocabulary, connotations, denotations, and structures…sometimes depending upon the situation and sometimes depending upon the profession.

As you think about the idea of the power of words…and especially the written word, write an essay with a minimum of 5 paragraphs about how you can use the power of the written world to affect positive effects in your personal and professional life. Yes, first person narrative voice is allowed!  This essay is due by Sunday and will count toward your Essay/Major Writing Assignment grade.  

BUT…you also need to prepare for your very last assignment!  Share your understanding of the Power of the Written Word with your classmates through a short video.  The video and your essay may be identical or you can prepare a different set of insights with your classmates than your shared thought with me in your essay. This grade, like your introductory video, will count toward the Final Exam 15%.  The video will be posted in next week’s portal.

The post ENG-311111 first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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