Letter to the Teacher

For this assignment, please write me a letter! In your class introductions, you told us a little bit about yourself. However, I understand that in a public forum like that you might not want to share anything too personal. 

I wanted to give you a chance to do so here. You can tell me anything that you would like me to know about you. It can be as personal or not as you want it to be.

As your instructor, what do you think is important for me to know about you?

Here are some things to consider:

Who are you?

What are you passionate about?

How do you identify yourself?

What languages were used at home?

What song, poem, or book creates strong feelings for you?

What does home look like?

What are you worried about (personal, home, work, school)?

What do you consider your strengths, in school, home and your neighborhood?

What do you think you want to do in the future? How can I help you make that goal a reality?

What do I need to know about you in order to teach you best? 

The post Letter to the Teacher first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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