The Traveler’s Gift

Discussion: The Traveler’s Gift

After reading Chapter Three of The Traveler’s Gift, respond to two of the following 3 writing prompts. Each response should fully explain the quotation or answer the questions. Since EN 331 is entitled Advanced Composition, I expect that at the minimal standard your answers will:

begin with a sentence that identifies about which topic you are writing and briefly establishes your stance / position / opinion / viewpoint.
develop your thoughts by using examples to support your viewpoint.
explain how your examples support your stance.
be composed using mature, graceful, and well-developed sentence structures>>or at least the best you have ;>)
indicate from the content of your writing that you have spent some time pondering (pun intended) the situation that David Ponder is in and what you could learn from sharing his experience vicariously..
conclude with a sentence that smoothly and logically brings your discourse to a smooth ending


 “I will not let my history control my destiny.”

~President Harry S. Truman

Considering what you know of the history of President Truman, explain the significance of this quotation and apply it to his life. How could you apply the truth of such a quotation to your life as a college student or as a person on a journey to establish a new future for yourself.


In your reading, President Harry Truman tells David, “You have chosen the pathway to your present destination. The responsibility for your situation is yours.” Do you believe that an individual’s present state is SOLELY determined by personal choice and responsibility? Explain why or why not. Also give examples to support your ideas and beliefs.


Truman says, “Our thinking creates a pathway to success or failure.” Can you remember a particular instance where your “mindset” or thinking created success? Has your thinking ever led to failure? Give an example of one of these directional results of thinking and then give a formula for how to control the thought process, mindset, thought pattern so that success is a more frequent result for you.

The post The Traveler’s Gift first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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