NVQ Level 3: Understanding of personal development and reflective practice, both fundamental aspects to roles in Health and Social Care: Personal And Professional Development In Health And Social Care Assignment, UCB, UK

Unit Aims

This aim of this unit is to provide learners with an understanding of personal development and reflective practice, both fundamental aspects to roles in Health and Social Care. Health and Social Care workers have a professional duty to maintain the currency of their knowledge and skills and they do this by continuing to learn and reflecting on what they do. The unit also enables learners to explore the use of reflective practice when improving their performance and informing their development.

Learning Outcomes –

1. Understand what is required for competence in own work role.

1.1 Explain the duties and responsibilities of own work role.

1.2 Explain how relevant standards can promote best practice in the health and social care sector.

1.3 Explain how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided.

2. Be able to reflect on practice.

2.2 Demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice. 2.3 Explain how reflective practice can lead to improved ways of working.

3. Understand how to evaluate own performance in the workplace.

3.1 Explain why evaluation of own performance is important
3.2 Evaluate own knowledge, competence and understanding against relevant standards. 3.3 Justify the role of feedback to evaluate own performance and inform development.

4. Understand personal development plans Assessment Criteria – the learner can:

4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development.

4.2 Review and prioritise own learning needs and development opportunities.

4.3 Devise own personal development plan.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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