Submission must include Excel spreadsheet where you show the formulas that you used to derive your averages, standard deviations, and t-tests etc. “Internal Control – Number Weaknesses Identified” for the counts, sums, and averages of control weaknesses for this assignment.1.Prepare a Word document where you have a Word table summarizing the count, mean (average), standard deviation, median, and test results for your 2-digit SIC, your 1-digit SIC, and all SIC groups. State your assigned 2- digit SIC at the start of the paper. Provide a statement about what your data analytics results show about the ICFR for the companies in your two-digit SIC industry compares to the broader one-digit SIC industry and all companies in all SIC industries. Further detailed instructions will be provided, here i attached example what i expected as the paper (word doc).
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