Hi, Submission must include Excel spreadsheet where you show the formulas that you used to derive your



Submission must include Excel spreadsheet where you show the formulas that you used to derive your averages, standard deviations, and t-tests etc. “Internal Control – Number Weaknesses Identified” for the counts, sums, and averages of control weaknesses for this assignment.1.Prepare a Word document where you have a Word table summarizing the count, mean (average), standard deviation, median, and test results for your 2-digit SIC, your 1-digit SIC, and all SIC groups. State your assigned 2- digit SIC at the start of the paper. Provide a statement about what your data analytics results show about the ICFR for the companies in your two-digit SIC industry compares to the broader one-digit SIC industry and all companies in all SIC industries. Further detailed instructions will be provided, here i attached example what i expected as the paper (word doc).

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Reference no: EM132069492

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