Proposed Project Title: User Guide for Operating a Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Device in Coastal Geotechnical Investigations

Proposed Project Title: User Guide for Operating a Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Device in Coastal Geotechnical Investigations

Project Description:

Coastal geotechnical engineers use cone penetration tests (CPTs) to find out what kind of soil is below the surface. This guide tries to give you clear directions on how to use one. Keeping the coast safe and building projects depends on correctly interpreting data. This guide will give new users the tools they need to do that.

User guide: Develop a written (5 pages or less) user guide for an instrument or tool used to collect data relevant for coastal geotechnical engineering in a way that an unexperienced user could apply the device confidently and successfully.

The post Proposed Project Title: User Guide for Operating a Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Device in Coastal Geotechnical Investigations first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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