Complete chapter 4 Review Questions and page 147.
Review Questions
What role did religion — both traditional West African beliefs and practices and Christianity — play in the shaping of an African American culture during the eighteenth century?
How did African Americans on both the patriot and loyalist sides use the Revolution to pursue and secure their own freedom? How did they draw on the conflict’s ideology to do so? Choose several examples from the chapter to support your argument.
Overall, how would you assess African Americans’ gains and losses during the Revolutionary era? Consider the outcomes for patriots and loyalists, northerners and southerners, and free blacks and slaves. Who benefited the most and the least? What factors were responsible for these results?
How did African Americans’ participation on both sides of the war change its course? How might the progression or outcome of the conflict have been different had blacks been barred from service?
Complete chapter 5 Review Questions and page 189.
Review Questions
Describe the fate of slavery in the post-Revolutionary years and the various factors — political, social, and economic — that contributed to this state of affairs. Would it have been possible to predict in 1783 that things would turn out this way? Why or why not? How might things have been different if political, social, or economic circumstances had been different?
Describe the various freedoms allowed, and the restrictions placed on, urban slaves, southern free blacks, northern slaves, and newly emancipated northern free blacks. What limits to their freedom and mobility did each group experience? Which groups were the most and the least restricted, and why?
Why did whites grow increasingly hostile toward African Americans as they moved from slavery to freedom? How did the proliferation of free black organizations help African Americans combat this hostility?
How did the colonization effort change from a small, black-led initiative to a large, white-led movement? What initial appeal did colonization have for its black supporters? How was this different from the appeal it held for whites, both slaveholders and abolitionists?
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