Group Assignment #3: Project Schedule (10%) General notes: ?? Include a covering table in your submission that clarifies who worked on which part(s) of the assignment. (

Group Assignment #3: Project Schedule (10%)
General notes:
● Include a covering table in your submission that clarifies who worked on which part(s) of
the assignment. (optional)
● Each team needs to submit only one set of documents using Turn-it-in application (in PM
Software extension)
● Name the files in this format: Section # xx Group x. abc
Prepare and submit Project Schedule
Using one of the common Project Management softwares ( preferably Project Libre/Primavera
P6 ), build the project schedule (Gantt Chart and Network Diagram) for your Assignment #1
Important Notes:
● Make sure you mention your project assumptions and limitations such as time
constraints and resource constraints (People/material/equipments) in a separate MS
Word/ pdf document separately
● Adjust your schedule to reflect your constraints and limitations.
● Build a resource table and assign resources to tasks.
● Balance your resources levels. (Include screenshots of before and after adjusting your
resource level)
● Address milestones identified in Assignment #1.
● Include the lag times.
● Make sure your schedule is in-line with what you have submitted for your Assignments

Link for youtube tutorials for Project Libre: 


Group Assignment #3: Project Schedule (10%)

General notes:

· Include a covering table in your submission that clarifies who worked on which part(s) of the assignment. (optional)

· Each team needs to submit only one set of documents using Turn-it-in application (in PM Software extension)

· Name the files in this format: Section # xx Group x. abc

Prepare and submit Project Schedule

Using one of the common Project Management softwares ( preferably Project Libre/Primavera P6 ), build the project schedule (Gantt Chart and Network Diagram) for your Assignment #1 project.

Important Notes:

· Make sure you mention your project assumptions and limitations such as time constraints and resource constraints (People/material/equipments) in a separate MS Word/ pdf document separately

· Adjust your schedule to reflect your constraints and limitations.

· Build a resource table and assign resources to tasks.

· Balance your resources levels. (Include screenshots of before and after adjusting your resource level)

· Address milestones identified in Assignment #1.

· Include the lag times.

· Make sure your schedule is in-line with what you have submitted for your Assignments #1

The post Group Assignment #3: Project Schedule (10%) General notes: ?? Include a covering table in your submission that clarifies who worked on which part(s) of the assignment. ( first appeared on Writeden.

Reference no: EM132069492

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