QQI Level 5 5N1390 :Organisation Profile :Team Development and Effective Communication: Personal Effectiveness, Assignment, OC, Ireland


A Collection of Work piece will be devised by each candidate which is based on an Organisational Profile (please nominate your organisation). Please include all of the following:

Task 1: Organisation Profile

a. Provide a description of an organisation of your choice, including their Mission Statement, and outline the reasons for your decision.
b. Identify and provide an overview of the company’s organisational structure.
c. Include an organisational chart showing the relationships between the departments of the organisation to support your answer.
d. Provide a description of the departments and functions of the organisation.
e. Discuss the external factors influencing the organisation.

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Task 2: Team Development and Effective Communication

a. Discuss the four stages of team development within an organisation
(i) Forming,
(ii) Storming,
(iii) Norming,
(iv) Performing.
b. Provide an overview of how an organisation can influence effective communication in the workplace.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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