Reflections on the Care of a Patient With Palliative Care Needs: European Certificate in Essential Palliative Care Portfolio Template 2024: Palliative Care Nursing Case Study, Ireland


The portfolio assignment is a reflective account of a patient in your care who has/had palliative and/or end of life care needs. The aim is for you to dem their holistic care needs and the issues that were important to you during the care of your patient

The portfolio is completed on a set template and submitted via Learningzone. Additional information is provided in the portfolio guidance notes below and you can also download a copy of the template.

Case study

The patient you select for your case study may be someone that you are currently caring for or someone in the past. They should:

– have/have had a palliative care/end of life care need and whose care you have been involved in

– presented a challenge to you

– presented a range of needs – physical, psychological, social and spiritual

We strongly suggest you contact your facilitator to ensure you discuss and select the most appropriate scenario.

Previous portfolio submissions are not available to current candidates however a selection of example case studies can be accessed below. You can also attend the Candidate Support Session on Portfolio Preparation (held in Week 1) or watch a recording of it to help you get started.

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Section A 

Patient history & holistic assessment (it is acceptable for this section to be in note form)

Section B

What happened – what went well / not so well?

So what impact did this have on the patient and their family, your colleagues, you?

Section C

Now what will you do with this insight, how will this affect your future practice?

Section D

Review of an article you have used in your portfolio

Section E

Conclusion bringing issues together. How can you influence future practice?

Section F Reference


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Reference no: EM132069492

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