Topics relevant to teaching and learning and reach consensus with colleagues



identify possible topics for your research topic and develop and a problem statement and possible research question(s).

Examine a variety of topics relevant to teaching and learning and reach consensus with colleagues and/or mentor on a problem to be research
• Develop a coherent research plan that support instructional planning through data-driven decision-making
Collaboratively review campus cultural and/or instructional concerns/issues and choose on for an area of study.

1. Meet with a colleague to identify 2 to 3 areas of concern that are pertinent to the field of research.
2. In a 1-2 paragraph summary, describe the research that you would like to conduct (although you will not actually be conducting this research in this course), including, the evidence used to identify need, what resources are available to address the needs, and what is a reasonable timeline to address the needs. Be sure to include who your sample would be and how you would access this population.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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