In Capstone, you will construct and implement an evidence-based, small-scale change project based on an identified nursing issue in your workplace or the community. The change component of your proj

Discussion Overview: In Capstone, you will construct and implement an evidence-based, small-scale change project based on an identified nursing issue in your workplace or the community. The change component of your project consists of implementing a strategy to address your selected…

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Review the history of the advanced nursing practice role and answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Describe factors that supported the development of the advanced

Home>Homework Answsers>Nursing homework helpnursing Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the discussion. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. Include the following sections: Review the history of the advanced nursing practice role and answer all questions/criteria with…

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Discuss how the professional standards set forth by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) impact the role of the Adult Gerontology-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) in acute care settings.

Discussion Objective: This assignment will encourage students to explore the importance of professional standards in shaping the role of AGACNPs in critical care and how adherence to these standards can enhance patient outcomes and overall healthcare delivery. Discussion Prompt: Discuss…

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Download and complete NR581NP NP Scope of Practice Worksheet templateLinks to an external site.. Use of the template is required.    Include the following sections (detailed criteria

Download and complete NR581NP NP Scope of Practice Worksheet templateLinks to an external site.. Use of the template is required.    Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric)  Intended State of Practice (Florida)  Identify the state…

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