Week 9 Assignment: NCHL Leadership Self-Assessment, Reflection, and Personal Development Plan Introduction You have been practicing NCHL competencies throughout the program. Now is an idea


Week 9 Assignment: NCHL Leadership Self-Assessment, Reflection, and Personal Development Plan


You have been practicing NCHL competencies throughout the program. Now is an ideal time to reflect upon your growth, and to set a few specific action steps for future career development. Examining your growth in each of the healthcare executive competencies is a helpful way to identify behavioral examples of skill execution.

This assessment has three parts:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

Assess the development of your leadership skills over the course of your MHA program.

Part 2: Reflection

Write a paragraph reflecting on your capstone project and what you learned about your own leadership abilities.

Part 3: Personal Development Plan

Identify measurable action steps for future career development by creating three SMART goals for future healthcare leadership competency development.


Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

Complete a self-assessment of your health leadership competencies using the STAR Format Competency Rating Table. Instructions for filling in the table are included in the document.

In completing the self-assessment, make sure you do the following:

Assess personal progress toward developing NCHL health leadership competencies.

Compare your baseline competency rating at the start of your program with your current competency rating.
Explain any new insights from your competency assessment.

Describe specific examples of how you have demonstrated NCHL health leadership competencies, with the intent of improving healthcare outcomes.

Part 2: Reflection

Write a succinct one-paragraph reflection about your experience completing the capstone project. Include what you learned about your own leadership abilities as you worked on the project.

Describe an example of inspirational team leadership you have experienced. Who provided the leadership? What was inspirational about it? What leadership traits did it demonstrate?

Include your reflection in the space provided toward the bottom of the STAR Format Competency Rating Table.

Part 3: Personal Development Plan

Create three SMART goals for your future development of healthcare leadership competencies. Include at least one SMART goal related to creating an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in healthcare settings.

You will recall that SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Using these parameters as you create your goals helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

Include your reflection in the space provided toward the bottom of the STAR Format Competency Rating Table.


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STAR Format Competency Rating Table

In the Rating column: As a baseline, rate the level at which you demonstrated the NCHL competency at the start of your MHA program on a scale of 1 (novice) to 9 (expert). Then, rate the level at which you currently demonstrate that competency, again on a scale of 1 to 9.

Situation, Task, Action, and Result columns: Describe the situation in which you demonstrated the competency, describe the task you completed, briefly convey the action you took, and state the result of that action on a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best).

Outcome Rating column: Rate the outcome of the example you provided on a scale of 1 (least desirable) to 5 (most desirable.)

After completing your competency ratings in the table below, write a one-paragraph reflection about your experience completing the capstone project. Include what you learned about your own leadership abilities as you worked on the project.

Finally, Create two SMART goals for your future development of healthcare leadership competencies.

NCHL Competency

Rating (1–9)




Result (1–5)

Outcome Rating (1–5)

Accountability: Confront performance problems.

Baseline =

Current =

Achievement Orientation: Set and work to meet challenging goals.

Baseline =

Current =

Change Leadership: Challenge status quo.

Baseline =

Current =

Collaboration: Encourage others.

Baseline =

Current =

Financial Skills: Evaluate financial analyses and investments.

Baseline =

Current =

Impact and Influence: Use indirect influence.

Baseline =

Current =

Information Seeking: Conduct research to maintain knowledge.

Baseline =

Current =

Initiative: Take action on long-term opportunities.

Baseline =

Current =

Innovative Thinking: Apply “tried and true” concepts or trends.

Baseline =

Current =

Interpersonal Understanding: Commit to understand others.

Baseline =

Current =

Organizational Awareness: Adapt actions to climate and culture.

Baseline =

Current =

Performance Measurement: Monitor a “scorecard” of quantitative and qualitative measures.

Baseline =

Current =

Process Management & Organizational Design: Benchmark best processes and practices.

Baseline =

Current =

Project Management: Provide project oversight and sponsorship.

Baseline =

Current =

Self-Confidence: Take on challenges.

Baseline =

Current =

Self-Development: Pursue long-term personal development.

Baseline =

Current =

Strategic Orientation: Conduct environmental scanning.

Baseline =

Current =

Team Leadership: Demonstrate leadership.

Baseline =

Current =

Communication Skills: Communicate in a clear, logical, and grammatical manner.

Baseline =

Current =

Part 2: Reflection

Write a succinct one-paragraph reflection about your experience completing the capstone project. Include what you learned about your own leadership abilities as you worked on the project.

Prepare a paragraph describing an example of inspirational team leadership that you have experienced. Who provided the leadership? What was inspirational about it? What leadership traits did it demonstrate?

Part 3: Personal Development Plan

Create three SMART goals for your future development of healthcare leadership competencies. Include at least one SMART goal related to creating an organizational climate that values and supports employees and colleagues in healthcare settings. You will recall that SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

[Write your SMART goals here.]




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Reference no: EM132069492

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