Lead cultural diversity- Cultural norms and practices are the behaviour patterns and attitudes that arise from our cultures: Advanced diploma in Civil construction and Design, Assignment, NIM

Task 1 – Lead cultural diversity

You are required to complete all parts of this assessment task.

Part 1

Cultural norms and practices are the behaviour patterns and attitudes that arise from our cultures. Differences often arise when an individual has a different set of cultural practices to those followed by the dominant culture.

List some of the characteristics and differences in the people you work with on a daily basis. List them in a table such as the one below.

Keep a copy of this table in your portfolio for future reference. As you move through this unit you may want to add to the table. What is the dominant culture in your workplace? What are the subcultures?

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Part 2

As people communicate, norms and rules evolve around introductions and greetings, respect for position and status, gift giving and building networks. Protocols appropriate to different cultures should be dealt with sensitively.

Consider your own workplace (or one that you have access to). What cultural norms and rules impact on it? What are some of the issues you have to deal with. How sensitive are people in the workplace to the differing expectations of behaviour and communication?

Part 3

Some new positions have been created in Jennifer’s unit. Everyone has been encouraged to apply for them. Jennifer has lots of experience and skills and wants to apply for a project manager’s position. She has spoken to her line manager, who told her that the job would probably be too demanding, as she has three children and is “too preoccupied with other things right now”.

Jennifer believes that if she applied for the job she would not be successful as that person is on the selection panel. What should Jennifer do? What policies and procedures in your department or agency cover this situation?

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Part 5

Choose a policy, procedure or program within your workplace that demonstrates your organisation’s recognition of diversity as an asset.

Discuss the principles that underpin it.

Part 6

This part requires you to participate in an observed role play within your practice environment.  The role play will simulate a diverse workplace and will include participating in a health and safety toolbox meeting (short 10 minute meeting to discuss a specific health and safety issue).

At the completion of the meeting and role play, answer the following:

What measures did you utilize to recognise and respect individual differences in colleagues, clients and customers?


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Reference no: EM132069492

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