Discuss the historical catalysts for change.Paragraph 4: Provide an analysis of a current topic or issue pertaining to federalism.Describe the issue or topic CyberbullyingDescribe the relationship to federalism (i.e. what are the states doing vs. what is the federal government doing?)

PurposeYou are probably familiar with some of the many issues that pertain to federalism (the constitutional powers of the national government vs. the constitutional powers of the state governments). These issues are typically contentious and grab a lot of public attention (such as same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization). Federalism is often the answer as to why laws differ from state to state on various issues. The purpose of this writing assignment is to examine specific issues on the basis of constitutional authority and determine the role of federalism in policy directives or Supreme Court rulings. Lesson OutcomesDescribe the several different types of federalism, tracing the evolution of federalism over time (CLO 1, 5). Explain why and how a chosen topic or issue pertains to federalism, using the U.S. Constitution as a reference (CLO 3). Explain the legal status of the issue or topic, referring to legislation and/or Supreme Court rulings where applicable (CLO 2).Steps for Completing the TaskStep 1: Background InformationReview the textbook chapter on federalism, view the video below, and review the links below. Textbook: Chapter 3 on Federalism, pages 66 – 99Federalism: Crash Course Government and PoliticsHarvard Political Review: The Future of Federalism (PDF)Governing: The Biggest Issues to Watch in 2022U.S. Constitution Step 2: Select Your Topic Cyberbullying pertaining to federalism.Step 3: Analyze and EvaluatePerform research to find a recent article that explores and analyzes the topic you’ve chosen from a federalism perspective. Step 4: Write the PaperUsing the background resources provided as well as an article found in performing your own research, write a two-page paper that shows you understand how federalism has evolved over the nation’s history and an issue or topic from a federalism perspective. Introduction Paragraph: Summarizes the purpose of the paper.Paragraphs 2-3: Provide a summative analysis of federalism, tracing its evolution throughout U.S. history to where we are today. After reading the chapter, you should be able to explain how the U.S. has gone from the Articles of Confederation to operating under dual federalism and cooperative federalism and beyond.
Discuss the historical catalysts for change.Paragraph 4: Provide an analysis of a current topic or issue pertaining to federalism.Describe the issue or topic CyberbullyingDescribe the relationship to federalism (i.e. what are the states doing vs. what is the federal government doing?)Describe why the issue is controversial regarding governance. It is important to discuss this from a constitutional perspective!Explain – specifically – what about the constitution makes this issue fall under either federal or state authority (or a combination of both).Conclusion paragraph: Summarize the paper and tie it all together.

Reference no: EM132069492

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