Innovative research with exceptional ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Demonstrates, creativity, originality and outstanding problem-solving skills. Work completed with very high degree of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Exceptional communication and expression

Assessment Criteria

There are standard University Assessment criteria that you can use to assist with understanding the mark you receive for this assignment. You can find these here.

The criteria that are specific to this assignment are as follows:


Mark band





Meets learning outcomes

Distinction – Exceptional work with very high degree of rigour, creativity and critical/analytic skills. Mastery of knowledge and subject-specific theories with originality and autonomy. Demonstrates exceptional ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Innovative research with exceptional ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Demonstrates, creativity, originality and outstanding problem-solving skills. Work completed with very high degree of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Exceptional communication and expression demonstrated throughout. Student evidences the full range of technical and/or artistic skills. Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be strongly considered for external




Distinction – Outstanding work with high degree of rigour, creativity and critical/analytic skills. Near mastery of knowledge and subject-specific theories with originality and autonomy. Demonstrates outstanding ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Innovative research with outstanding ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Work consistently demonstrates creativity, originality and outstanding problem-solving skills. Work completed with high degree of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Outstanding communication and expression demonstrated throughout. Student demonstrates a very wide range of technical and/or artistic skills. With some amendments, the work may be considered for external publication/dissemination/presentation



Distinction – Excellent work undertaken with rigour, creativity and critical/analytic skills. Excellent degree of knowledge and subject-specific theories with originality and autonomy demonstrated. The work exhibits excellent ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Innovative research with excellent ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Work demonstrates creativity, originality and excellent problem-solving skills. Work completed with very consistent levels of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Excellent communication and expression demonstrated throughout. Student demonstrates a very wide range of technical and/or artistic skills.



Merit – Very good work often undertaken with rigour, creativity and critical/analytic skills. Very good degree of knowledge and subject- specific theories with some originality and autonomy demonstrated. The work often exhibits the ability to fully analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Very good research evidence and shows very good ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Work demonstrates creativity, originality and problem-solving skills. Work completed with very consistent levels of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Very good communication and expression demonstrated throughout. Student demonstrates a wide range of technical and/or artistic skills.



Pass – Good work undertaken with some creativity and critical/analytic skills. Demonstrates knowledge and subject-specific theories with some originality and autonomy demonstrated. The work exhibits the ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Good research and shows some ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Work demonstrates problem-solving skills and is completed with some level of accuracy, proficiency and autonomy. Satisfactory communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

Student demonstrates some of the technical and/or artistic skills.



Pass – Assessment demonstrates some advanced knowledge and understanding of the subject informed by current practice, scholarship and research. Work may be incomplete with some irrelevant material present. Sometimes demonstrates the ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Acceptable research with evidence of basic ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Demonstrates some originality, creativity and problem-solving skills but often with inconsistencies. Expression and presentation sufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Sufficient communication and expression with professional skill set. Student demonstrates some technical and/or artistic skills.



Fails to achieve learning outcomes

Fail – Very limited understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues with deficiencies in rigour and analysis. Some relevant material may be present but be informed from very limited sources. Fundamental errors and some misunderstanding likely to be present. Demonstrates limited ability to analyse and apply concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the subject/discipline.

Limited research scope and ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. Limited originality, creativity, and struggles with problem-solving skills. Expression and presentation insufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student demonstrates deficiencies in the range of technical and/or artistic skills.


Fail –

Fail – Clear failure demonstrating little understanding of relevant theories, concepts, issues and only a vague knowledge of the area. Little relevant material may be present and informed from very limited sources. Serious and fundamental errors and virtually no evidence of relevant research. Fundamental errors and misunderstandings likely to be present.

Little or no research with no evidence of utilisation of research methodologies. No originality, creativity, and struggles with problem- solving skills. Expression and presentation insufficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with serious deficiencies in professional skill set. Student has clear deficiencies in range of technical and/or artistic skills.



Fail – Clear failure demonstrating no understanding of relevant theories, concepts, issues and no understanding of area. Little or no relevant material may be present and informed from minimal sources. No evidence of ability in the utilisation of research methodologies. No evidence of originality, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Expression and presentation deficient for accuracy and proficiency. Insufficient communication and expression and with deficiencies in professional skill set. Student has clear deficiencies in range of technical and/or artistic skills.

Marking rubric






Distinction 90-100%

Innovative relevant contemporary research with exceptional ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

Wide range of sources used, going beyond the recommended texts, and including scholarly articles, official reports, and case studies.

Mastery of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

Exceptional work with a very high degree of rigour, creativity, and critical/analytic evaluation of causes of the research topic, responses, and strategies.

Demonstrates exceptional ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Demonstrates creativity, originality, and outstanding problem-solving skills.

Work completed with very high degree of accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy.

Very clearly organised and logically structured, following through a coherent essay from aims to conclusion.

Very well written, with good command of presentation grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

Wide range of appropriately supporting evidence provided, which is accurately and consistently referenced throughout.

Exceptional communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

An outstanding, well- structured, and appropriately referenced essay, demonstrating a high degree of understanding of the processes of the research topic and the current problems.

Clear critical analysis and evaluation and argument throughout.

Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be strongly considered for external publication/dissemination/ presentation.

Meets learning outcomes.



Innovative relevant contemporary research with

Outstanding work with a high degree of rigour, creativity,

Very clearly organised and logically structured, following

An outstanding, well- structured, and appropriately

outstanding ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

Wide range of sources used, going beyond the recommended texts, and including scholarly articles, official reports, and case studies.

Near mastery of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

and critical/analytic evaluation.

Demonstrates outstanding ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Demonstrates creativity, originality, and outstanding problem-solving skills.

Work completed with high degree of accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy.

through a coherent essay from aims to conclusion.

Very well written, with good command of presentation grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

Wide range of appropriately supporting evidence provided, which is accurately and consistently referenced throughout.

Outstanding communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

referenced essay, demonstrating a high degree of understanding of the processes of the research topic and the current problems.

Clear critical analysis and evaluation and argument throughout.

With some amendments, the work may be considered for external publication/dissemination/ presentation

Meets learning outcomes.

Distinction 70-79%

Excellent relevant contemporary research with excellent ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

Wide range of sources used, going beyond the recommended texts, and including scholarly articles, official reports, and case studies.

Excellent work undertaken with rigour, creativity, and critical/ analytic evaluation.

Demonstrates excellent ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Very clearly organised and logically structured, following through a coherent essay from aims to conclusion.

Very well written, with good command of presentation grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

Wide range of appropriately supporting evidence provided, which is accurately and consistently referenced throughout.

An excellent, well-structured, and appropriately referenced essay, demonstrating a high degree of understanding of the processes of the research topic and essay specific current problems.

Clear critical analysis and evaluation and argument throughout.

Meets learning outcomes.

Excellent knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

Demonstrates creativity, originality, and excellent problem-solving skills.

Work completed with a high degree of accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy.

Excellent communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

Merit 60-69%

Very good relevant research with very good ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

Wide range of sources used, going beyond the recommended texts, and including scholarly articles, official reports, and case studies.

Very good degree of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

Very good work often undertaken with rigour, creativity, and critical/ analytic evaluation.

A generally clear line of critical and evaluative argument is presented. Relationships between statements and sections are easy to follow.

The work often exhibits the ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Demonstrates creativity, originality, and problem- solving skills.

Clearly organised and logically structured, following through a coherent essay from aims to conclusion.

Well written, with generally good command of presentation grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

A very good range of appropriately supporting evidence is used in a largely accurately and consistent way, and correctly referenced in the main.

Very good communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

A very good, well-structured, and well reference referenced essay, demonstrating a a very good degree of understanding of the processes of the research topic and essay specific current problems.

Very good critical analysis and evaluation and argument in the main.

Meets learning outcomes.

Work completed with very consistent degree of accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy.

Pass 50-59

Good relevant research with good ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

Appropriate range of sources used, to the recommended texts, and may include scholarly articles, official reports, and case studies.

Demonstrates knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

Drawing on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, this short essay will argue that drones have revolutionized modern warfare, altering the very essence of trench warfare.

Good work undertaken with some rigour, creativity, and critical/ analytic evaluation of the research topic. However, there are errors or omissions.

Some critical discussion, through evaluation and argument is present, but the argument is not always convincing, and the work is descriptive in places, with over-reliance on others.

Relationships between statements and sections are easy to follow.

The work often exhibits the ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Demonstrates in places creativity, originality, and problem-solving skills.

Work completed does not have a consistent degree of accuracy, proficiency, and autonomy.

Organised and structured to a satisfactory standard.

However, the essay lacks some cohesion and flow from aims to conclusion.

Adequately written, with generally sound command of grammar and syntax, though with a few errors of spelling and punctuation.

There is an adequate range and use of supporting evidence and sources, but referencing is not always correctly presented.

Satisfactory communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

The answer demonstrates a good understanding of some relevant theories, concepts, and issues, but there are some errors and irrelevant material included.

The structure lacks cohesion and clarity, and the critical evaluation of the subject is descriptive in places.

Meets learning outcomes.

Pass 40-49

Acceptable research with evidence of basic ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

A limited range of sources used, work may be incomplete or outdated, with some irrelevant material presented.

Demonstrates some knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

The work is descriptive with minimal critical evaluation or analysis.There are errors or omissions.

Limited critical discussion and limited scholarly engagement, the arguments are not always clear, and the work is descriptive in places, with over-reliance on others.

Sometimes demonstrates the ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Some but limited demonstration of creativity, originality, and problem- solving skills. Work completed does not have a good degree of accuracy or proficiency.

The work is organised and structured to a sufficient standard. However, the essay structure is unclear in parts and lacks some cohesion and flow from aims to conclusion

Adequately written, with generally sound command of grammar and syntax, though with a few errors of spelling and punctuation.

There is a limited range and use of supporting evidence and sources. Referencing is not always correctly presented.

Sufficient communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

The answer demonstrates a sufficient understanding of some relevant

theories, concepts, and issues, but this is based on limited research and use of sources.

The structure lacks cohesion and clarity, and the critical evaluation of the subject is largely descriptive in places.

Meets learning outcomes.

Fail 30-39%

Limited research scope and ability in the utilisation of research methodologies.

A limited range of sources used, work may be incomplete or outdated, with some irrelevant material presented.

Some relevant material may be present but be informed from very limited sources.

Very limited understanding of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

The work is descriptive with minimal evidence of critical evaluation or analysis. There are errors or omissions.

Very limited critical discussion and limited scholarly engagement, the arguments are unclear, and the work is very descriptive.

Demonstrates limited ability to synthesise and analyse information and apply relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

Limited originality, creativity, and struggles with problem- solving skills

Some deviation from the objectives of the assessment task. May not consistently address the assignment brief. At the lower end fails to answer the question set or address the learning outcomes.

The work is disorganised and does not have a logical structure. It lacks cohesion and flow from aims to conclusion.

It is very poorly written, with inadequate command of grammar and syntax, and with errors of spelling and punctuation.

There is a very limited range and use of supporting evidence and sources.

Referencing is poorly presented.

Insufficient communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

Whilst some relevant material is present, the level of understanding is poor with limited evidence of wider reading.

Poor structure and poor presentation, including referencing. At the lower end there is evidence of a lack of comprehension, resulting in an assignment that is well below the required standard.

Fails to achieve learning outcomes.

Fail 20-29%

Little or no research with no evidence of utilisation of research methodologies.

Very limited range of sources used, work is incomplete or outdated, with irrelevant material presented.

Little relevant material present and informed from very limited sources.

Virtually no understanding of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

The work is descriptive with little evidence of critical evaluation.

Very limited critical discussion and limited scholarly engagement, any arguments are vague and demonstrates a vague knowledge. the arguments are unclear, and the.

No synthesise and analysis of relevant information, or application of relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

No originality, creativity, and struggles with problem- solving skills

Some deviation from the objectives of the assessment

The work is disorganised and does not have a logical structure. It lacks cohesion and flow from aims to conclusion.

It is very poorly written, with inadequate command of grammar and syntax, and with errors of spelling and punctuation.

There is a very limited range and use of supporting evidence and sources.

Referencing is poorly presented.

Insufficient communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

Little relevant material is present, the level of understanding is poor with limited evidence of wider reading.

Poor structure and poor presentation, including referencing. At the lower end there is evidence of a lack of comprehension, resulting in an assignment that is well below the required standard.

Fails to achieve learning outcomes

task. Does not consistently address the assignment brief.

Fail 0-19%

Little or no research with no evidence of utilisation of research methodologies.

Very limited range of sources used, work is incomplete or outdated, with irrelevant material presented.

Little relevant material present and informed from very limited sources.

No understanding of knowledge and awareness of current problems/ insights, related to the processes and definition of the research topic.

The work is descriptive with little or no evidence of critical evaluation or analysis.

Little or no critical discussion and limited scholarly any arguments are vague and demonstrates a vague knowledge. the arguments are unclear, and the.

No synthesise and analysis of relevant information, or application of relevant concepts within the complexities and uncertainties of the research topic.

No originality, creativity, and struggles with problem- solving skills

Some deviation from the objectives of the assessment task. Does not consistently address the assignment brief.

The work is disorganised and does not have a logical structure. It lacks cohesion and flow from aims to conclusion.

It is very poorly written, with inadequate command of grammar and syntax, and with errors of spelling and punctuation.

There is no use of supporting evidence and sources.

Referencing is poor.

Insufficient communication and expression demonstrated throughout.

No relevant material is present, the level of understanding is poor with limited evidence of wider reading.

Poor structure and poor presentation, including referencing. At the lower end there is evidence of a lack of comprehension, resulting in an assignment that is well below the required standard.

Fails to achieve learning outcomes.

Late submission


Reference no: EM132069492

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