SWK356 TMA (Tutor-Marked Assignment) SUSS : July 2024 – Social Work in Healthcare

Case Study

Read the case study and answer all questions

Forum letter : Medical social worker ensured family received best care and support

Medical social workers are some of the most empathetic and passionate people in the world, and my family had the fortune of meeting one with dedication and unwavering commitment to serve on the front line.

My mum, 71, contracted Covid-19 and was taken to a care facility in late October, so I had to step up as a secondary caregiver for my dad, 72, at their house. A week after my mum’s discharge and return, my dad suffered a fall which resulted in a hospital stay of six weeks.

My mum, who was still experiencing the negative effects of Covid-19 due to her age, was unable to continue caring for my dad, who has complicated medical conditions. We were at a loss and feeling stressed and worried.

As my dad had been hospitalised many times due to falls, a medical social worker contacted us. What followed was a series of calls between us, with him trying to understand our family’s unique situation and needs.

His coordination and communication with the different care teams in the hospital, as well as with external agencies, were of great help to us in our moment of need, and his systematic approach provided us with a sense of relief that all would be well taken care of.

My dad is now settling into a nursing home, and my mum is slowly recovering from Covid-19.

cWe thank Mr. Isaac Teo from Tan Tock Seng Hospital for being a source of strength and support for our family, for his positive attitude and encouragement, and for ensuring that we received the best care and subsidies from the medical care system and, subsequently, the nursing home support for my dad.

The past two months have been exhausting and mentally stressful for us, and his amazing work helped to boost our spirits on tough days.

It is inspiring to have met a young professional who truly gives his all to serve the vulnerable in the community.
By Wendy Sng

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Question 1 

– For both Q1a and Q1b, your answer must be supported with examples from the case study and appropriate references.

(a) Based on the information in the case study, examine FIVE (5) main skills that were demonstrated by the medical social worker in care coordination and how these skills affect clients and their caregivers

(b) Discuss the importance of a holistic approach in social work practice within healthcare settings. Propose TWO (2) additional interventions the medical social worker could undertake either with Wendy’s 72-year-old father or with the family to further enhance his post-discharge care.

Question 2

Conduct a literature review on Singapore’s healthcare financing system. Refer to at least SIX (6) recent sources (last 5 years) like current journal articles, chapters, or book reviews.

(a) From your readings, identify and appraise FOUR (4) emerging challenges facing Singapore’s healthcare financing system in the 21st century .

(b) Discuss how these healthcare financing challenges may be addressed among stakeholders and personally for yourself as a healthcare user.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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