Understanding Consumers, Assignment

Please read carefully the instructions and follow them strictly.

1) Choose a Topic.

For this assignment, you should select one of the following topics for your Literature Review:

TOPIC A: Disabling marketplaces and culture.
TOPIC B: Voluntary simplicity and consumer well-being.

2) Include the papers below:

TOPIC A: Disabling marketplaces and culture:

Bhogal-Nair, A., Lindridge, A. M., Tadajewski, M., Moufahim, M., Alcoforado, D., Cheded, M., … & Liu, C. (2024). Disability and well-being: Towards a capability approach for marketplace access. Journal of Marketing Management, 40(5-6), 512-541.
Demangeot, C., Kipnis, E., Pullig, C., Cross, S. N., Emontspool, J., Galalae, C., … & Best, S. F. (2019). Constructing a bridge to multicultural marketplace well-being: A consumer-centered framework for marketer action. Journal of Business Research, 100, 339-353.
Higgins, L., Husemann, K. C., & Zeyen, A. (2024). The disabling marketplace: towards a conceptualisation. Journal of Marketing Management, 40(5-6), 371-377.

TOPIC B:  Voluntary simplicity and consumer well-being.

Chowdhury, R. M. (2018). Religiosity and voluntary simplicity: The mediating role of spiritual well-being. Journal of Business Ethics, 152, 149-174.
the consequences of requesting consumers to intentionally consume less. European Journal of Marketing, 50(1/2), 189-212.
Rebouças, R., & Soares, A. M. (2021). Voluntary simplicity: A literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(3), 303-319.

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3) Create and include your summary Table(s) and Mindmap. You will need to take a structured approach to the LR and create summary table(s) of the papers reviewed/used, and a mindmap linking the key topics/themes identified.

Assessment Criteria

Your assignment will be marked by the following assessment criteria:

Quality and relevance of the mindmap and table(s).
Conceptualisation of scope and focus.
Identification of key issues, theoretical gaps, and / or conceptual questions.
Analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
Implications and future research (discussion / conclusion).
Structure, style and expression (and quality of references/referencing)


It is the individual responsibility of each student to ensure that their submitted work is free from plagiarism and due acknowledgement is given to all sources on a complete reference list. Students need to ensure that the work is their own:

Do NOT “copy and paste” content from the internet/other sources. Make sure that you reference/paraphrase properly.
Do NOT take content from other assignments or share your work with any of your colleagues.
Do NOT use chat GPT, translation software or other Artificial intelligence platforms to write any parts of the assignment, change content or structure of your written work.
Students are NOT ALLOWED to use proofreaders to make automatic or direct changes into the text without reviewing the suggestions and making an informed decision to accept or reject changes. Proofreaders should not translate text, add information, sources or critical argument.
Check your Turnitin similarity score. Check below the policy on academic misconduct and make sure that the work submitted is your own: https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/professional-services/student-academic-and-corporate-services/academic-registry/policy-and-procedure/

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Reference no: EM132069492

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