BUSM 3200 Strategy, Assignment 3, RMIT

You are required to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to apply the scholarly theories and concepts covered in the topics. You must apply appropriate theoretical concepts and analytical tools to substantiate your analysis.

Assessment Requirements

This advice should be read in conjunction with RMIT assessment policy and the course guide.

You are required build on the analysis we undertook for Assignment 2 where we explored the strategy content (strategic options) of our case study organisation Eu Yan Sang. In Assignment 3 we now focus on the third branch of strategy through exploring strategy process (formation and implementation) (Whittington et al. 2020. 1.5.pg.19-21Links to an external site.).


In this assignment you focus on the implementation of your findings from Assignment 2.

Apply your knowledge of theory and concepts covered in the relevant course Modules to undertake an analysis of the organisation’s strategic process, particularly key implementation aspects of your chosen strategy for the organisation, measures of effectiveness you would use to evaluate the overall impact and outcomes of the strategic initiative. In conclusion apply key insights from the strategy lessons discussed by Eu Yan Sang executive and align those learnings to the three branches of strategy covered this semester.

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Assessment Criteria

To fulfil the assessment criteria, your report you should demonstrate you have completed each of these criteria. See the Rubric below for specific expectations for each grade band.

Criteria 1

Strategic Implementation Plan | Organisation Support

Develop a high-level strategy implementation plan for the strategic initiative you proposed in Assignment 2. Use the McKinsey 75 framework to guide your analysis about potential changes in organisation support for effective implementation. Make recommendations about key strategic actions that the organisation must make so that effective implementation can be achieved.
Depict the timing and order of the strategic actions in a basic high-level strategic planning GANTT Chart.

Explain and justify the priority and timing of the key actions depicted in the GANTT chart.

 To help your analysis use these strategy implementation worksheet: McKinsey 7s Framework Worksheet Download Business-level Competitive Strategy 2460 worksheet+ Gantt Worksheet + Module resources + Chapter 14.5 in Whittington et al. 2020

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Reference no: EM132069492

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