HFSY217 Organize Emerg Preparedness-2024 (SU2)

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you are expected to:

 Understand the emergency planning organisation
Explain the roles and functions of the emergency planning team
Understand the establishment of the emergency action teams
 Explain the roles and functions of respective emergency action teams and appointments
Understand the planning parameters and ERP formulation requirements
Explain the required ERP procedures
Understand the local legal requirements for company emergency response team (CERT)
 Explain the roles and functions of CERT appointment holders
 Understand the roles and functions of the incident management team (IMT)
Explain the joint operation procedure
Understand the establishment of emergency control points, facilities and equipment
Explain the establishment of critical emergency support facilities
Understand how an organisation can go about organising for emergency preparedness

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Emergency Structure & Functions…


Organizational Architecture:
– Unique to Each Enterprise
 Formal Description of Organization Architecture & Elements
– Collective Working of the Formal Organization Structure,

Control Systems, Work Processes, Incentive Systems, Programs, Organization Culture, and the People Towards the Organization/Business Objectives

Business Objectives
 Business Functions
Business Processes
Organization Structure
Data & Information
Software (Business Applications)
Hardware (ICT Infrastructure)
Placement (Location within the Organization)


 Organizational Architecture


Executive Structure & Functional Teams…

Personnel with Emergency Responsibilities

Board of Directors
– Business Owners, Policies Makers, Top Executives
Business Management
– Executive Authority
Business Operations
– Operation Authority
 Safety & Health
Public Relations
WSH Steering Committee
– Emergency Management Policy & Direction
Policy Guidance
 Decision Authority
WSH Management Committee
– Emergency Planning Group
Incident Management Group
– Manage the Emergency
Emergency Actions Group
– Coordinate, Direct & Act
Emergency Planning Teams
– Coordinate between Depts
– Organization Arrangements

Emergency Structure & Functions

Organizing for Safety & Fire Safety

Key Appointments & Positions

Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Organisation-Authority Joint Operations

Response Plan

Key Aspects for FSM & Planning Committee
– What are the principal considerations?
– What are the critical planning parameters?
– What are the constraints & limitations?
– What are the provisions & supports required?
– Who to formulate & approve the ERP?
– How to designate emergency roles & tasks?
– Where are your response control points?
Incident Command Post (ICP), Staging Point (SP), Resource Point (RP),
Assembly Area (AA), Evacuation Control Point (ECP), Traffic Marshaling Point (TMP), First Aid Point (FAP)…
Emergency Response Planning include Planning for

– Evacuation

 Need to Establish Evacuation Warden Team (Fire Warden Team)
Need to Establish Assembly Area Team (AA Team)
– Respond to the Problem (Rescue, First Aid, CPR-AED, Fire, Spill)
Need to Establish Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)
– Manage Incident Issues & Impacts
 Need to Establish Incident Management Team (IMT)

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Planning Scope
– Scenario Planning
– Evacuation Planning
– Intervention Planning
– Support Planning
Principal Considerations
– Scenario: Likely Consequence, Scale & Extent
– Influencing Factors: Manpower, Equipment

Emergency Management

What are required to support…?

Emergency Management
• Control Zones (Emergency Work Zones)
– Hot Zone
– Warm Zone
– Cold Zone

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Emergency Control Points, Support

Facilities, Equipment & Systems

 Emergency Control Points
– Facilitate workflow, forward planning, issue resolution
– Designated locations within, or in close proximity to the building/premise where emergency action teams gather establish control
 Emergency Control Points
– Conducting Evacuation or In-Place Protection
 Evacuation-Warden Point (EWP)
Traffic Warden Point (TWP)
n-Place Protection (IPP) Room
 Emergency Assembly Area (EAA)
 First Aid Point (FAP)
 Ambulance Point (AP)
 People-with-Disability (PWD) Holding Area
Emergency Control Points
– Conducting Intervention or On-scene Control Zones
Hot, Warm, Cold Zones (HZ, WZ, CZ)
Outer Cordon Entry/Exit Control Point
 Inner Cordon Entry/Exit Control Point
Rendezvous Point (RV)
 Staging Point (SP) or Hot Zone Entry/Exit Control Point
 Decontamination Point (Decon)
Field/Forward Command Post (FCP)
 Medical Triage Point (Triage)
Body Holding Area (BHA)
Emergency Control Points
– Conducting Incident Management
Fire Command Centre (FCC)
Emergency Control Centre (ECC) or Emergency Operation Centre
 Incident Command Post (ICP) or Incident Headquarters (IHQ)
Resource Point (RP)
 Incident Information Centre (IIC)
 Media Centre (Media)
Rehabilitation Point (REHAB)
Vehicle Marshalling Area (VMA)
Civil Resource Marshalling Area (CRMA)
Crisis Management Centre (CMC)
 Disaster Site Medical Command (DSMC)
 Evacuation Refuge Centre (ERC)
Emergency Support Facilities
– Fire Command Centre (FCC)
– Emergency Control Centre (ECC) or Emergency Operation Centre (EOC);
– Incident Command Post (ICP) or Incident Headquarters (IHQ)
– Incident Information Centre (IIC)
– Media Centre (Media)
– Crisis Management Centre (CMC)
– Safe Havens or IPP Rooms
Emergency Support Equipment & Systems
– Emergency Communication Equipment & Systems
– Meteorological Equipment & Systems
– Emergency Power Supply & Generation Systems
Emergency Structure & Functions
– Preparedness Planning Team
– Emergency Action Teams
Incident Management Team
Incident Support Teams
Intervention/Emergency Response Team
 Evacuation Teams…
Emergency Control Points, Support Facilities, Equipment & Systems
– Critical Control Points: ICP, SP…

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Reference no: EM132069492

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