MEM30031 – Operate computer-aided design (CAD) system to produce basic drawing elements, Assignment, LEAD College

Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following:

This assessment task requires you to use CAD software (Revit) to produce drawings. If you are completing this in your RTO, this will be as per the drawing requirements provided to you by your assessor.

If you are completing this based on a workplace, this will be for a drawing task related to work. Speak to assessor before you begin to seek approval for your choice of drawing task to check that it is suitable.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, basing your project on a real drawing requirement will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way!

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio.

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CAD software features and drawing requirements.

Before you begin to develop your drawing, you are required to document some preliminary information in your Project Portfolio (Section 1) about CAD software to demonstrate your understanding of this software. This includes:

Describing three different types of CAD software that are used for designing and developing drawings, including their key features and suitability.
Outlining the CAD process used to generate 2-D drawings
and 3-D models and key differences in the processes, as well as why each type of drawing may be used.
You will also need to document information about the CAD software you will use to complete this assessment, including compatibility with other software programs and features in relation to catalogues.
Outlining the CAD process used to generate single and multiple view drawings and key differences in the processes, as well as why each type of drawing may be used.

Finalise this assessment activity step by confirming drawing requirements. If you are completing this task in your RTO, this will be as per information provided to you by your assessor. If you are completing this at work, this will be based on a drawing task you have been assigned.

Document the drawing requirements in your Project Portfolio including:

confirming the purpose and scope of the drawing you are to complete using CAD software, as well as the information and presentation requirements for the drawing.
outlining the procedures you are to follow for completing the task, including supervision requirements and environmental, WHS and quality assurance processes, as well as copyright and intellectual property requirements.

During this process, you will need to review all the information you have been provided and as the unit requires that you identify and address further information needs, develop an email to identify the further information you need.

Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.

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You are now required to produce the drawing using CAD software.  This will involve setting your working environment and then producing the required drawing.

As well as producing the drawing, you will need to demonstrate to your assessor that you can access and use CAD software to create the required drawing.  Therefore, you will need to take screenshots of your work throughout to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to use the CAD software.

At the end of the task, you will also need to print off the drawing and show it at the roundtable discussion in the next activity.

Complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio.


The final part of this assessment requires you to participate in a round-table discussion with other students to provide an evaluation of the work that you have completed and what you think can be improved.

Complete the first part of Section 3 of your Project Portfolio prior to participating in the discussion so that you are prepared for the discussion. Your assessor will organise a date and time for the discussion, as well as who will attend. The discussion can be held in a physical or virtual meeting space, and it is expected that each person would provide their evaluation up to a maximum of 2 minutes.

Remember to show your printout of the drawing you produced.

At the round table, each person is to briefly outline the task they undertook and provide their own evaluation of:

how easy or difficult it was to use the CAD software
their level of satisfaction with the final drawing produced

what was challenging during the process
what they would change for future drawings to be completed.

Make notes on areas for improvement that you have thought further about after hearing other students’ presentation.

After the discussion, complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio.

Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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