SWK498 Social Work Applied Project, Dissertation Proposal, SUSS

Project Description

Set the context of the project by describing the nature of your project. More importantly, you should state:

What is the problem or issue that you want to solve or find answers to?
Why is it important?
How will this contribute to the agency you are working with for the project?
What is the purpose statement of your project?

Most current studies on engagement techniques for at-risk young people tend to concentrate on general treatments without differentiating between genders or focusing on the particular issues faced by girls under the age of eighteen. These studies typically focus on at-risk youth as a homogenous group, which leaves a gap in understanding the unique needs and experiences of at-risk girls, particularly those related to gender-specific issues. This oversight highlights a significant research void. Literature that addresses at-risk young people often falls short in analyzing the specific observations of social workers who engage with at-risk girls, whose distinct experiences warrant further attention.

In response to this gap, my study emphasizes the experiences and techniques of social workers at Allkin Youth Centre, specifically those who work with at-risk girls aged 12-18 years old. By focusing on the interactions between these social workers and the young girls, this research seeks to develop customized, successful social work strategies that are sensitive to the gender-specific needs of at-risk female youth.

This initiative will equip Allkin Youth Centre with more knowledge of successful engagement techniques, especially for at-risk females between the ages of 12 and 18. The results will enable the agency to improve and refine its programs and interventions by concentrating on gender-specific issues and requirements, therefore assuring their higher responsiveness and effectiveness in serving this vulnerable group. This will ultimately allow the organisation to fulfil its objective of offering focused, evidence-based support that can better handle the situation of at-risk female youths.

This project aims to investigate and pinpoint successful participation techniques social workers at Allkin Youth Centre apply in their interactions with at-risk females between the ages of 12 and 18. Through an analysis of the particular difficulties and requirements of this group, the study seeks to provide insights and suggestions that would improve the practices of the agency so ensuring that their interventions are both gender-sensitive and effective in handling the particular experiences of at-risk female youth.

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Research Question(s) (can be 1 or 2, not more than 3)

When working with at-risk females aged 12-18, what are the primary engagement strategies that social workers at Allkin Youth Centre utilise?
In what ways do these engagement strategies address the unique gender-related challenges and requirements of at-risk girls within this age group?
What other strategies would be helpful when engaging this age group?

Proposed Methodology

Propose how you intend to go about achieving your research objectives. You may wish to address the following questions:

What data is needed?
Is the data readily available?
If not, how will the data be collected (e.g., by measurement, self-completion questionnaire, interviews, etc.)?
What methods and tools will you use to analyse the data e.g., thematic analysis using Excel/ Word?

The study will need qualitative data capturing the experiences, accounts, and narratives of social workers working especially with at-risk girls ages 12–18 at Allkin Youth Centre to reach the research objectives. One-on-one interviews with 7–8 social workers from the centre who personally know this demographic will help to get the information. The interviews will give a detailed understanding of their approaches and difficulties interacting with at-risk girls.

The study will gather information from the social workers by means of semi-structured interviews. This form of interview lets the interviewer explore further into particular areas depending on the replies of the participants while yet allowing a flexible yet targeted approach guided by set open-ended questions. This approach works especially well for

investigating the complicated and nuanced experiences of social workers since it lets the researcher clarify and extend on important issues as needed and lets the social workers convey thorough perspectives. Rich, qualitative data that may be thematically analysed to identify the major tactics and difficulties in interacting with at-risk girls would be best captured in semi-structured interviews.

Thematic analysis will be used to find trends and themes inside the gathered stories considering the qualitative character of the data. By methodically coding and classifying the data using tools like Excel, one may facilitate an in-depth examination of the recurrent themes and insights resulting from the interviews. This method will allow a comprehensive investigation of the strategies for engagement and their efficacy, so guaranteeing strong and founded in the lived experiences of the social worker’s outputs.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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